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Y/n pov 

We reached a village I think I know this village? then the switch click that's it you and Glimmer came once or twice here  

Okay Glimmer pulls Adora the jacket comes off

What? Why? Adora ask confused 

Because If the villagers see a horde solider, they'll freak out. So we gotta fix..... All this she say while gesturing to clothing Adora takes off her jacket And Glimmer Tosse it 

Into the bush I take off my cape and hand it to her smiling in the process she smiled back to my surprise 

(Yes reader may/or may not be wearing a cape you can choose)

I feel ridiculous.... Adora say disgust written all over her face  

I look at her and laugh and she blush from embarrassment... 

That's because you need something to tie it all together? bow I say on it he replied

Bow pick a flower and I collect it and tock it in her hair 

I don't like it!!!.. Adora say doing an awkward stance 

The point is that you don't look Like a horde solider 

Any more,,

Keep a low profile we'll be in and out Glimmer say and we all walked into the beautiful town 

what is all of this?!... Adora ask

It's a Festival, you know, like a big party Adora look at me confused and we stop except Glimmer

You don't have party's in the fright zone?  Bow Ask In


Oh, right, parties. I mean yeah pfff! I don't know what that is

What? I sadly, whimper....

Didn't, you guys, hear me? in and out but glimmer 

I say sadly 

She's, never been to a party, before..... This is serious 

he say, grabbing onto glimmer shoulders 

We went over to a food, stand, And bow get ous food..

Adora took one bite and her eyes lit, up like the first time seeing Stars  

She look Adorable- wait what? cut it out y/n now is not the time...!

We got to a table, And Adora keep trying, to have my food so I gave it to her!

So seriously? No parties Ever? Bow Ask her Again.... Handing her a sweet.

"What", do you do on your birthday? I Ask her While she inspect, the treat he gave her,

Huh?" She say and raises, the treat to get a better look

No birthdays? How is your live this sad? Bow ask in disbelief 

She "Gasps" and letting go of the candy and grab my Arm pointing to a horse 

WHAT IS THAT? She ask stars in her eyes

That well be a horse" I replie 

Bow give her a weird look

The horse neighs And left his head up

It's "Majestic ", she say with the same Stars in her eyes 

I NEVER THOUGHT I WILL SEE YOU Adora x  Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now