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Ares Pov

I died. I don't know how to feel. I mean, there were many other people I was planning to help. So I kinda feel bad, and I feel regret. I never found love so I'm really sad.

3rd pov

Ares was thinking about his regrets, the people he couldn't help, the love he couldn't find. He was sad that he couldn't really show him self. But it didn't really bother him as much as the other things. He was wondering and thinking what would happen next and where he would go.

"Young prince." A knock on the door with a annoyed voice calling from behind it came to his ears.

He opened his eyes to see himself in a big elegant room with a chandelier over top of him. There were three doors which he guessed was to his bathroom, wardrobe and an exit out of his room. He also had many windows so it was pretty bright in his room and it was difficult for him to adjust his eyes to the brightness.

The knock was heard again sounding more annoyed "Young prince. Please wake up and get changed so I can escort you to the dining hall"

He thought he was hearing things but this confirms it. He was called young prince. So not to annoy her more he replied with "Yes, I'm awake, I'll be right there."

He got out of the warmth of the soft blanket and bed. That he never got to sleep in before. He was wondering whether someone brought him here. But the room looked more like what a bedroom would look in a castle in England. But that's not possible. no way would he get hit by a car and wake up in the royal castle.

He was having a headache. This whole thing was so complicated. Where is he? Why is someone outside the door calling him "young master?" Why is he here? There are so many questions and he can't answer them. He walked by something and saw a shimmer of blue. He quickly went back to see that it was a mirror

To say he was shocked was an understatement. He moved his hand and the person moved his hand too. He couldn't believe it. That was him, that was how he looked like. He looked to be about 11. He had blue hair that went past his eyes but didn't reach his shoulders. He had bright blue eyes that looked like oceans. And he was a bit pale not to pale though. Honestly his face shape was the same as before but his hair and eye colour changed.

Did someone put contacts in his eyes and dye his hair?  But why would they do that how would the benefit?

Then he remembered. He remembered seeing someone who looked exactly like this. He was at a friends house and she wanted him to play a otome game with her. He didn't play though he just watched her play. She loved the game and she wouldn't share. Not that he minded or asked. The character he is right now wasn't important. If he remembered correctly he was a prince. A lonely prince that everyone forgot about.

Surprisingly his name is the same exact name as the lonely prince maybe that's why he remembered him. But anyway he had been reincarnated and he is also taking to long in the mirror while someone is waiting for him outside. So with that thought he quickly brushed his teeth and bathed in a luxurious bathroom. And then he changed in normal looking clothes.

Then he opened his door to see an annoyed women dressed in a maids outfit she glanced at him and starting walking without saying anything.

Ares wasn't surprised. This is how everyone in his household treated him. Apart from his brother though they don't really interact. His parents, maids, and butlers dislike him though. Why? That's something ares cant remember. All he can remember is the look of some of the characters. Like his brother and the harem members he can remember those he can't remember any of the events though.

But he did remember that everyone of the harem had a problem that the heroin helped them through.

"Young prince, we're here" the maid said in her usual annoyed voice when bowing.

Reincarnated as the lonely Prince. Where stories live. Discover now