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Ares Pov

Guests were coming over so we had to get ready. Lewis went to his room to go change. While I'm here trying to pick out what I should wear.

I decide to wear simple gray jeans with a sky blue oversized long sleeve. And I folded the sleeves up to my wrist. It was a comfortable outfit. I wondered who was coming to visit today. I'm pretty sure the usual Ares wouldn't go to these things he would just stay in his room. And his parents would not bring him up in any conversation. But I am not the same ares. So I will go and see the guests.

I went out of my room and went to my brothers room I knocked on the door.

"Who is it."


Footsteps came towards the door and he opened it but I wish he didn't. He was only wearing some jeans and you could see his bare chest. Yes we slept with our shirts off but I didn't concentrate on his chest I was to busy trying to help him sleep then look at his beautiful, refined abs and stomach that doesn't have to much or to little fat on it. I could also see his strong arms that wasn't too buff but it showed that he was strong.

"Ares you still there." I looked up to see a smirk on Lewis' face my face turned full on red and went to make a run for it but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his room.

"Wow you stare at my chest and run away? That's not very nice."

I crouched down with my back on the door hiding my face while my whole face was red.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry" that's all I could say

"No need to apologise I didn't mind." I could hear the smirk on his face.

"J-just go wear a shirt."

"Are you sure you want that"

"Yes I do just go!!" My blush increased

"Fine fine" he said and walked into his closet

"I'm done" he wore a plain white t-shirt with dark blue jeans.

The blush on my face reduced but it wasn't completely gone

"You look cute" he said with his awful smirk.

I blush again

"Shut up"

"Ok ok I'm sorry" he said with a chuckle. I liked his laugh it was nice so it made me smile

"You look handsome" I said and smiled at him.
He was shocked at this and blushed

"T-thank you"

"We should get going the guests are probably here by now" I said while standing up and opening the door I was leaning on

"Yeah, this is a first you've decided to come out of your room when a guest is here" he said while we walked and I followed towards wherever we're meeting the guests.

"We'll I'm changing, have you not noticed?"

"No" he laughed "I've noticed." He then smiled and said "and I'm happy" his smile is contagious so I smiled too and that's how we walked peacefully towards the guests who were in one of our living rooms near the entrance.

Lewis opened the door to the living room and I saw how his smile changed to a polite one. I kept my face neutral.

"Ah here is *cough* are my sons" my dad introduced us I barely appear so I think he forgot I was here.

I saw a boy who looked to be the same age as Lewis sitting in between two adults that seemed to be his parents.

"Good evening, my name is Lewis Lixar and I am the crowned Prince. Nice to meet you." My brother said while shaking the hands of the mother and father. After he was done I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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