Chapter 12

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It took until Friday around lunchtime for me to decide on my next step. A step that meant I found myself in the middle of a sleek reception area in front of a chest-high, matte steel desk that had probably cost more than all the furniture on the ground floor of the rehab centre put together.

By then enough time had passed that I didn't seem too desperate by doing this. Two days was enough time for it to not be weird for me to seek out Ben.

At least, I hoped he wouldn't think so.

Two days was also more than enough time for me to think about the kiss that had rocked my world. To dream about it, both asleep and awake, and wonder about it and catch myself grinning inanely about it. That kiss had had absolutely nothing to do with my nemesis and everything to do with Ben. I'd wanted it. I wanted another.

I was forced to be here, but I also wanted to be here. I had no idea how to feel about that conflict.

The young woman behind the desk was on the phone; she'd smiled at me and held up her finger in the universal sign for just a moment, but the conversation didn't sound like it was about to end.

I could still leave. I didn't have an appointment. Ben need never know I'd been here. I could wait for him to make the next move. It was he who had instigated all those texts we'd exchanged since I'd stood in my window and watched him walk away.

I have no idea how long I'd stood there staring after him. But ever since, my fingers had regularly lifted to my lips, to caress them as he had with his tongue.

Inwardly grumbling, I made my hand lower to my side again and looked round to see if anyone had noticed. Then did it again, this time taking in all the people I could see around me. There were so many.

There had to be another way of getting close to Ben's work that didn't involve the risk of running into my nemesis.

Finding the building Ben's firm occupied had been easy enough, but walking into this maze of offices and corridors knowing that I might come face to face with my least favourite person in the entire world at any point made my throat tighten.

Though that might as well be caused by what I was here to do.

I hadn't planned this very far ahead. I didn't even know if Ben was free to see me. If he wanted to see me here. He had shut the topic of his job down rather quickly when I'd asked him the other night.

Maybe I shouldn't have come. It was just, that kiss...

The lift dinged behind me and I heard the swish of the doors opening, and the receptionist winding up the phone call.

I rubbed my palms on my thighs. Then turned away from the desk towards the lift.


Spinning back round at the surprised voice, my shoulders fell a little when I recognized Ben's friend. "Liam. Hi."

He smiled at me. "You're here to see Ben?"

My mouth was dry, but I nodded and returned the smile. I was here and now it was too late to leave. "Yes, if he's free?"

"He's in a meeting, but it should be finished soon." Liam gestured down one of the corridors leading off the reception area. "Come. I'll show you to his office. You can wait for him there."

"Thank you."

"Does he know you're coming?" Liam asked as he led me down a carpeted corridor. There were doors on both sides and at the end a floor-to-ceiling window showed a stunning view of the City.

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