Chapter 20

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I walked over to Katie. Pushed the loose tendrils of hair that had escaped the bun behind her ears. Kissed her briefly. Then explained, "My sister-in-law's wedding is on Saturday. I would very much like you to come with me."

It was quite a big thing to ask of her, on a fairly short notice, if she wanted to meet my family, my entire family, but it was also the best way to show Katie that I wanted her in every part of my life, no matter what I knew or didn't know about her.

"But Sarah doesn't know me. She might not want me at her wedding."

"She does."

Katie's eyes narrowed. "How can you be so sure?"

I grinned at her. "Because the invitation is plus one. It's Sarah's not so subtle way of telling me I should find a girlfriend. Which I have."

She stilled, her eyes locked on mine. "Girlfriend?"

We hadn't actually had this conversation, but that was how I'd been thinking about her for weeks now, and I didn't hesitate to state, "Yes."

A huge smile spread over her lips, and her eyes shone brightly when she threw her arms around my neck. "I would love to go with you as your girlfriend."

"Good." I bent to catch her lips.

"If," Katie pulled back, "Sarah says it's okay."

I held her gaze for a moment, then stole a quick kiss before she could stop me and disentangled. I walked back to the living room and found my phone in my jacket. Sarah picked up on the second ring.

"Ben! My favourite guy!"

"Yeah," I chuckled at her infectiously happy voice, "after Chris Hemsworth and Idris Elba."

My sister-in-law laughed. "And Charlie and Michael."

"True. I've been demoted. How's Charlie?"

"Asking for you," Sarah replied in a tone of voice that suggested it had been too long since I'd been to see my nephew.

She was right. Charlie had been a new-born when Andrew had died, and since Sarah didn't have any family of her own and had practically been a part of my family since the first time my sister brought her home from school, my parents, Lisa, and I had gathered around her and Charlie to support them through the complete upending of their – all of our – world as best we could, but too much work and too little time meant I didn't go to Cambridge as often as I'd like anymore.

"I know," I admitted. "I'm hoping I can spend some time with him this weekend."

"He'll love that, but he'd love it even more if you came for a visit after the wedding when things aren't so hectic. You can stay with us."

"I will, I promise, but about the wedding. I know it's a bit short notice, but I wanted to ask if I can still bring a guest?"

The line fell completely silent. Then Sarah hesitantly said, "Bring... a woman?"

"Yes, what else?"

Her voice grew in excitement. "A date, I mean."

Glancing at Katie, I pushed back my hair. She was in the kitchen taking out plates and glasses, and smiled at me across the flat. "Yes," I said. "I've been seeing someone. Don't tell Lisa."

"Too late. She's here and she's seen my shock. I'll never get away with not telling her."

Something akin to a resigned groan escaped me, but I couldn't help but chuckle too. Of course my sister was with Sarah. The two of them had been thick as thieves since secondary school.

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