Chapter 27

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It was almost eight o'clock in the evening by the time we made it back to London on Sunday. When we'd gathered for breakfast in the dining room at the manor house, my mother had insisted that Katie and I come back to the house with my parents, Charlie, and Lisa for a late Sunday lunch, and then coffee to talk over the wedding.

None of us were fooled, though, that she just wanted more time with Katie. Not that I could blame my mother for that.

I drove us straight to my flat. Katie had packed clothes for Monday too, and after the night before I was reluctant to not be with her. The idea of sleeping alone in my bed chilled me.

Opening the door to my flat, I let Katie precede me inside, and dropped our bags by the door, then went straight for the terrace door to let in some fresh air to the stuffy flat. The continuously blue sky and warm air of the last month had finally been replaced by grey clouds and a humid air that sat heavy over the city.

"Do you want something to drink?" Katie asked as she headed for the kitchen with the foil-wrapped leftovers my mother had insisted we take home with us.

"Yes, thank you." Taking off my jacket, I placed it over the back of a chair and followed her.

We hadn't spoken many words to each other all day, not even in the car on the way home, but there had been hidden touches under the table, shared glances across rooms, and private smiles whenever our eyes had met. Neither of us had mentioned what had happened the night before. It wasn't necessary yet. The glances and the smiles were enough until tomorrow.

I halted behind Katie who was reaching for glasses in the cupboard and put my hands on her hips. I nuzzled my nose into the curve of her neck. "I'm more hungry than thirsty."

"How can you be hungry? You had three portions of your mother's roast. And pudding."

My lips moved to the magic spot beneath her ear. "Not that kind of hunger."

Drinks forgotten, Katie turned in my arms and her hands came to rest on the thin fabric of my shirt. She looked at me with a gaze that wasn't as innocent as she'd probably like it to be. "Oh, and what do you want me to do about that?"

I let my hands glide down to her butt and pressed her close to me. "You could drop your panties so I can eat you."

Katie's lips parted on an exhalation that spoke louder than words, as did the blush growing in her cheeks. She leaned close.

And the sound of my phone cut through whatever reply she'd been about to give.

My head fell backwards on a groan, and I swore out loud.

Chuckling, Katie placed a kiss on my jaw, and then pushed me lightly. "Go on, answer it."

Swearing under my breath, I returned to the chair and found my phone in the inside pocket of my jacket. Then stared at the screen as my gut slowly constricted. My breathing hurried and it took a long moment before I swiped my thumb across the screen and lifted the phone to my ear. "James."

"Ben," the private detective said, his voice strained. "I'm outside. I have the finished report."

I glanced quickly at Katie, but she only smiled at me as she took a bottle of white wine from the fridge. I walked out to the terrace and lowered my voice. "I can't let you in. Katie's here."

"I know. I saw you arrive."

I looked over the railing and down to the front of the building. James was easy to make out, even from this height. He was pacing back and forth beside his battered, old car, one hand rubbing his neck.

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