Just another day...

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Lucifer's POV:

I was sitting bored in my castle, it all went boring once me and Lilith divorced. I hadn't told nor spoken to Charlie in a long time, Shes always so busy in the hotel. I summoned hell fire on my palm to try and keep myself entertained, extermination was in a couple of days so I couldn't wait for that. My head cocked once I heard a knock, "come in." I said with a monotoned voice. Surprisingly it was that radio demon, Alastor. Who was now helping Charlie with the hotel. "Hello king lucifer! Long time no see! Any exciting news?" The radio demon said. I groaned and answered "I'm a single man now." The radio demons eyes were now in a surprised look. "Happy wife happy life???" The radio demon said walking to my desk, I summoned hell fire once more and extinguished it about 5 times. "Yup. At least that's what I thought honestly." I said the radio demon replied with "I am in perfect condition to inform Charlie! Have I mentioned shes quite the demon!" I smiled and said "yup. I'll tell her thank you though." The radio demon walked out and said "maybe we can have some jambalaya to catch up!" I gagged at the bought of it.

Alastors POV:

I walked back into the hotel and saw vaggie betting with husk and nifty with angel dust. A smile was planted on my face as always "charlie, charlie, charlie. Your father needs you!" Charlie said "lucifer? Dad? Needs me for something" I nodded setting boxes down. "IT HE HOT?" Angel dust called out. "MY GOD ANGEL HES FUCKING LUCIFER." Vaggie yelled, "THATS A HOT NAME~" Angel replied and I said "do not get any ideas." I said to Angel. He rolled his eyes and went back to nifty. I accompanied Charlie and she walked into her fathers office, I was outside the door and I could hear muffled noises from time to time. Charlie ran out and said "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA MENTION MY PARENTS BROKE UP ALASTOR?!?" I tilted my head and said "in my defence I was told not to." We walked back to the hotel, "Lilith and lucifer aren't a thing anymore which means no fucking queen of hell." Charlie said I panicked at the fact charlie actually swore. I summoned a portal to my room and walked through it, I laid down on my bed listening to the fights down below until i fell asleep

(Time skip!)

Lucifers POV:

It was extermination day which gave me something to do, I looked outside noticing exterminators starting to fall. Demons began running and screaming, a cold hang touched my shoulder and I flinched. I looked behind me and the radio demon towered over me. The radio demon said "hello lucifer! Charlie seems to be very astonished by your sudden divorce!" I looked at him displeased, I stretched and said "please make your small talk elsewhere, I'm observing an extermination." "Don't be so harsh! It's only an extermination, I walked all the way here almost getting attacked just to be sent back?" The radio demon said as his voice echoed. I heard Charlie walk through the door as the demon named Angel dust yelled "ARE THE DRUGGED ANGELS GONE?". I turned and Charlie said "dad! Also there gone." I hugged Charlie and said "what brings you here?". "Since mum and you got divorcedddd I've decided to take Time off the hotel! Husk and nifty are in charge for a few!". Charlie walked off to her old bedroom leaving me and Alastor behind, i could hear the small talk between Angel dust and Charlie across the hall.

Alastor's POV:

"Something on your mind Lou?" I asked looking at him stare out the window still. "Don't call me that." He replied with a hiss, I smiled widely and said "Everything will be fixed if you just shake my hand!" While souls behind me cried out. "I most certainly decline." He replied grabbing the collar of my coat and pulling me in, I blushed a cherry red once he walked back to his desk filled with paperwork. "I will be on my way now your majesty!" I said he didn't look up and just nodded, angel asked "who's the new queen of hell?" "Hello friends! The queen of hell is no more, lucifer would need to find a new lover and high in ranks too!" I said my smile growing wider. Charlie set down her stuff and said "guest rooms are across the hall.". "oooOoO~ me and al are going to sleep together~" Angel said, I looked at him and smacked him with my micro phone saying "okayyy! That's enough for the day! Rest well!". "No promises~ I'm hitting the strip club to go get laid, see you al~" I walked towards the room and heard a thud from lucifers room, I walked over and laughed at what I found through that door.

Word count: 833 words

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