The new king of hell.

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My hands hurt-
I'm now sleep deprived-
Enjoy the final part to this bcuz I certainly will-

(Time skipping)

Lucifer's POV:

I woke up the next morning to be brought with some news paper. The heading read "a new king in our midst? King lucifer's new boyfriend??". I crumpled the paper and threw it out "fuck you Angel Dust." I said knowing he had something to do with all this. I walked outside greeted with many reporters, one said "king lucifer! What does your new love interest Alastor think of this?!?" Another one said "your majesty! What's your current position in your relationship with the radio demon! Are you a top or a bottom?" "As much as I'd like to say top certain people would be amused if I said bottom so I'll go with that." I answered. I walked off while summoning a servant of mine to go fetch me a new demon to tease for amusement. I heard the clatter of shoes, I looked back and not very surprisingly it was Alastor. "What happened now." I said while he brushed himself of and wiped a piece of blood off from his coat, "nothing, just a couple of news reporters. The fight was top quality! Perfect inspiration!"Alastor answered. The servant brought me a young demon, I looked at her and saw pure lust and the desire to fuck somebody. "Al, your thoughts on this demon?" I said hearing her moan out a demons name, "Eh..." Alastor replied being disturbed. I made the servant take back the demon to whatever she was doing. Me and Alastor kept talking exchanging talks and current problems in hell. Me and Alastor saw demons fighting. We quickly walked back as one of the servants deemed it "unsafe" for me to be there.

Alastor's POV:

I said goodbye to Lucifer as I entered the hotel. I was being bombarded with news reporters still so I just teleported home, i greeted husker although not having a very nice greeting. Nifty just hugged me which was why she was the favourite soul I might have in another decade. I was sat beside Angel dust, he turned on the tv and said "relationship status: have you fucked each other yet?" I choked and said "NOOOoooo". I walked up to huskers bar and said "hello good friend, how's your life?" "Get away from me you fucking asshole." Husker said, I summoned cheap booze in his hand and he'd walk away muttering something. Vaggie frowned and said "You fucking monster. I may hate lucifer but hes Charlie's father, if you do anything to him so help me-" I stopped her there and said "Vaggie my dear! I would never! I'm just a poor poor sinner aren't i!" She pointed her sword at me while I carefully slipped away into the shadows. I watched the news show, the one where I met Charlie at. It said something about prince stolas and love life or something. I got up and walked downstairs, I saw Charlie as she said "Have you been doing anything with my father Alastor." I knew she had been quite protective of ones she held close but not this protective. "My dear! I do things simply out of boredom and my gain. You answer that!" I cheered before walking outside. I saw a demon throw drugs in the air while fighting a certain someone called cherri bomb, I haven't met her personally but i have seen her fight Sir Pentious. I walked past it with my smile growing wider, microphone feed started to fill the area I was in with silence.

Lucifer's POV:

The snake on my hat hissed and I hissed back, boredom was slowly killing me on the inside. Charlie called me and said "DAD! Why would you love that stupid radio demon! He's dangerous! And he's my hotel worker!" "Merely out of love and affection my angel. And it's not like I'd steal him or anythingggg" I hissed "you better." She replied, "i-I'm sorry dad I need to go, nifty is at it again. Bye dad! Love you!" Charlie said as she hung up. I smiled, I heard microphone feed and I hissed my smile growing wider. "I know your there." I said trying to shut out microphone feed as it was a horrible and ear tainting sound. "Good morning luci! I have been bombarded with news reporters about a new role im pursuing! Your thoughts?" Alastor said "your not going to be getting the shit title if I don't marry you. And besides just ignore em" I said. "Lucifer my love! Charlie seems to be very disturbed by our sudden affection! Any tips on how to control her?" Alastor said in a low pitch tone, "your fine just don't bring it up a lot or try and start a fucking deal, if there's one thing she learned from me it's how to not take shit from demons." I hissed bringing silence out in the hallway. "Lucifer, Lucifer. As someone who used to be a psychopathic manipulator making deals with powerful demon is a sort of knack I have! Wouldn't you agree?"

Alastor's POV:

My smile grew wider when Lucifer turned away and radio feed started to pour into the room. I immediately went back to normal as he had looked back at me with a raised brow. Lucifer was a good king although living in the pride ring had its moments, "don't get stressed luci! A kind sinner like me could never do much harm to you." I growled leaving Lucifer's snake hissing. Valentino walked in and said "Lucifer old friend! Word has spread! A little tv told me that a certain snake and Bambi were in love!" Valentino put two arms around me while the other two pointed at Lucifer. Lucifer groaned and said "we know." Valentino smiled as the tall demon looked at me. Valentino let out some smoke "Ah, never knew my old friend even had another love interest other then Dear Lilith." Valentino said smirking at his phone. "A new ruler of hell will be arriving soon! And make it gay!" Valentino cheered while walking out of the room, Lucifer smiled at me as I went to follow Valentino. I'm just a regular sinner! Who could've thought that I would become the king of hell! The perfect inspiration for my radio show! Top notch in fact! I smiled as I walked into the hotel seeing Angel dust flirting with husker and Vaggie with Charlie, Nifty climbed down from a shelf and hugged me.

Word count: 1099 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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