Chapter 3

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feel free to check my audio version on youtube wink wink ( Original. don) 

Hange ended up letting me leave early. After that fiasco, I was a bit discombobulated. 

What the hell was that? 

He's clearly more fucked up than I thought... But why am I a little more intrigued? 

Throughout the whole thing... he never broke eye contact once....

As if he was signaling he did it.. for me? 

That seemed to be the only thing clouding my head as I drove home.


As I make my way into my apartment  I'm greeted by an ecstatic Hitch. 

She pounces onto me while saying "HEY MY FAVORITE LADY! how was ur first day?! You're home early"  while hugging me tightly.

"Um yeah..One of the patients flipped out in front of me.. so I got let off early.." I say while putting my purse on the kitchen counter and rummaging through the fridge. 

"Are you okay?" she asks, skepticism filling her voice. 

"Yeah just tired." I say while opening a jugg of vanilla almond milk and chugging it.

I didn't really want to talk about him..

"A lot of cute employees though."

"Ouuu" hitch says while jumping up onto the counter waiting for me to get into detail about them. 

"Well, the friends I made so far... Sasha is a cutie you would love her, she actually invited me out tonight so I'm gonna start getting ready soon.. This girl names Mikasa... oh shes a total babe.. Jean is probably the most my type. Super tall and structured face, rocks the mullet look too. And the workplace flirt, Connie.. Honestly, I'm trying to not drink too much cuz I don't wanna hook up with any employees" I say the last sentence while chuckling. 

"And you remember their names.. hmm" Hitch says while glaring. 

"Girl puhlease. It's not that serious  I just got good memory." I say while laughing walking towards my room. 

As I get out of my work clothes for the day. Delicately taking off each piece and tossing them into the laundry bin into my room. I look for my pajamas to wear. 

I randomly select a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top.

Honestly, I don't even care, I have like 3 hours until I have to get ready to go anyways. 

I sigh while making my way into my bed, pulling the covers over me. 

After about 30 minutes of scrolling on tiktok I decide to take a nap. 

Might as well get some beauty rest in especially If I'm gonna be having a good night right?

Before I plug my phone into the charger beside my bed, I set an alarm and lay in bed with my eyes closed until I drifted off into my semi-deep slumber. 


I walk into his room with my black skirt and blazer set on. My red lace top peaking through because I felt like dressing a little more scandalous today

My heels clacking as I make my way over to him.


Hes sitting with his hands cuffed together behind him . His head down..

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