Chapter 6

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hehehehe yalll nasty.. check it out on my YOUTUBE to ofc (Original. don)  


Connie swiftly drags me down the hall, leaving the employee break room.

We seem to be following a path I never went down before, and clearly, not many employees go here. 

"Wait what about Levi?" I say huffing out while we are slightly speed walking. 

"If I'm timing it correctly.. he should either be gone or on his lunch right now.. either way, we have time." 

We make it to the end of a hallway and before us is a Janitor's closet. 

Connie looks back at me,  smirks and opens the door while gesturing his hand to let me go in first. 

We've been inside for what felt like forever, but when I glance at his apple watch it shows that we've only been inside for not even a minute. 

It is pretty spacious, like he said, with enough room for me to be picked up at least. It's quite dark as well. The only light is the light visible from the cracks in the door. 

With the low lighting, I can't see much.

But one thing is for certain. Connie's gaze is set ablaze. All I can see are his honey eyes, glaring into mine, ready to ignite the flame. 

"Soo... this is the closet huh... I haven't done something like this since high school.." I chuckle.. 

"Yup here we are.." He says awkwardly..

"There's no lights or nothing?" I say while looking around waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. 

"Uh... I don't think so no.."  He says while I notice his head looking around as well. 

"Are you sure you wanna do this.." He says again stepping closer to me. 

"Have you ever done this before?" I ask, looking up and tilting my head to the side. 

Honestly, if he has... I would rather wait till we get a bed, I don't wanna be added onto his "Kill List"

"Would that affect what we do, or don't do today?" He answers, mimicking my head-tilt. 

"Just answer the question-"

"well, I've gotten head in here.."

"hm... well-"

"Who said I wanted to fuck?" Connie says, while closing more space between us and setting his hands onto my waist. 

I briefly look from his hands back up into his face. 

"You don't?" I ask raising my brow and placing my arms around his neck. 

He slightly bends down toward my neck and licks the space underneath my ear. He then leaves a trail of light kisses following up to my ear and says nearly above a whisper "Maybe I just want to taste you..." He says

I slightly gasp, tilting my head up giving him more access to my neck. 

"Would you let me do that for you?" He asks me, voice still in a whisper. I feel the cold air from his mouth onto my neck and it's driving me crazy. 

I wanna ride I wanna ride 

"How bad do you want to?" I say while moving my head to face him. I smirk as I see him slowly smirk back at me as well.  I then remove his hands from my waist and put them on my breasts. I lightly squeeze his hands which makes him squeeze my boobs. 

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