The results

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"Since I couldn't do this at the wedding, I'm going to do it twice" he says as he was going to carry Fawn over the threshold into the room

"Twice is always nice" Fawn tells him as they kissed

Once Kevin carried her over the threshold he went back for Ravenna, and he was going to carry her over the threshold as well so she felt special as well cause she was little, and she was going to be the special one of the bunch as well cause she might have autism

"Okay what shall we do first?" Fawn asks as she was going to see the view that they had

"Let's call the others and see what's going on and tell George what is going on right now he probably wants an update on what is goings" Kevin says as he was going to make a call home to the others and tell George, and the three older girls what was going on as well cause they were worried of what was happening

Nordonia, Olympic and Sophie was excited to see mommy and daddy again cause they had missed them

"It's ringing" Kevin says as he was calling the house right now and he was waiting to see if the kids were going to answer the video chat

The kids were happy to see mommy and daddy right now as well as Ravenna and seeing how she was doing as well

"Any news?" George asks Fawn and Kevin

"We will find out more tomorrow cause the test will tell us if she has autism or not" Kevin says as he was telling George the update that they had right now on poor Ravenna who was getting sleepy right now and she was ready to go to bed

"I hope for the best and if we do an autism show I will show my support for her cause she is one in a million" George tells them

"How are the quads doing?" Fawn asks him

"Good they are playing right now which is a good thing" George tells them

"We will be home tomorrow once we find out the results" Kevin tells him cause he was ready to go back home and see the kids as well

Kevin and Fawn talked to all of the kids for a good hour and a half before George called bedtime for everyone

"I think we should go to bed as well" Fawn says as she yawned

"Yeah, it's been a busy day so far" Kevin says as he was going to tuck in Ravenna for the night and he and Fawn were going to go to bed as well

Kevin and Fawn went to bed two hours later cause they wanted to be up early for breakfast and to head to the hospital for the results of Ravenna's test

(Next day)

Kevin was up early, and he got Ravenna dressed since she was up and ready to go as well and Fawn woke up right after and once everyone was ready, they headed to breakfast at one of the local restaurants by the hospital

"Today we see if she has autism and how bad it is" Fawn says as she had breakfast

"Yeah, I hope it's not too bad" Kevin says as he had his breakfast as well that morning

"Me either" Fawn says as she continues to eat and of course freed Ravenna her breakfast as well

Once breakfast was over they headed to the hospital to see the results of Ravenna tests and see how bad her autism was or is going to get


"I hate hospitals" Fawn says as they boarded the elevator to go see Ravenna doctors that look at her as well as who the quints were going to be seeing as well

Kevin agrees with her cause he hated hospitals as well

"Here we are let's go get checked in" Fawn says as she walked with Kevin who was pulling the wagon that had Ravenna in it right now cause she was too big for the stroller so she graduated to the wagon and she was loving it

Kevin checks Ravenna in and they take a seat in the waiting room to wait for the results of the tests that Ravenna had done the day before 

"Look Ravenna" Kevin says as he was going to play with her right now cause he wanted to see what shoe could play with as they were waiting cause the wait was going to be long for her and for them and Fawn was going to pump and check on the quints cause George was bringing the quints up for their first check-up as a group cause they needed thirty minutes for the babies and Nordonia and the three oldest was going to be helping with that appointment as well 


"Ravenna McHale" the nurse says as she came out for Ravenna 

more will come the week after maybe if i don't close or work or have to play tennis the whole day at work like I have been and still am 

Going to wish everyone a happy Easter 

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