Nordonia first group session

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"Nordonia the hospital is going to help you get used to this new normal right now and if you are going to need someone to talk too as well someone is going to be there for you no matter what, and mommy and me are going to help out with the babies as well like be their primary care giver cause we are not going to throw all this on you at once, and if you want to do dance or something you can do dance as well" Kevin says as he was talking to her as well cause he saw that she was going to be needing some guidance on this new journey that the whole family was going to be on as well cause it was not going to be easy dealing with four newborns, an autistic toddler, an almost toddler, three preschoolers so the McHale household was going to be a circus everyday for the most part

Nordonia was glad that she was going to have help understanding the new normal that was going to be happening around her house, and help her deal with a special sister and what she can do to help out cause Ravenna might get mad and hit her sister out of frustration or just for the fun of it and Nordonia will have to understand that it might be her autism or the side effects of her medication that she will be on that will cause her to not be herself some days and some edge might be an ordinary toddler just dealing with life as well

"Pappy will spend one on one time with you too" Kevin tells her cause they were going to work out a schedule of who will get to have one on one time with Nordonia while Kevin and Fawn juggle the babies and the other kids cause they had two other girls who were going ot help out with the babies and Jackson a lot more the helping with Nordonia cause they were going to be their buddy to help them navigate the new season of life that they were going to be experiencing and was going to change their lives as well cause it's going to be different having a sibling that has autism cause they are going have to be her voice when they go out in public and Fawn and Kevin will have to come up with a plan on what they are going to do if she has a episode in public cause one will have to deal with her while the others will have to deal with the others and maybe they could have George come along at certain times when another set of hands will need to come into play too

(Weeks later)

It was the evening of Nordonia first therapy session with the group of kids who has siblings that have autism as well so she was going to be able to connect with them on the same level and hopefully she will make friends as well and be able to get out when she needs to as well, and her pappy was going to take her to her first session cause mommy and daddy were busy with the babies and of course Ravenna and the two older girls were going to go to their group another night cause Ravenna was their half sister so the hospital was going to have come on another night since Nordonia class was completely filled up so they were going to offer another class for the kids who couldn't register in time for this session as well

"Nordonia sweetie come on you are going to be late" Kevin calls to her cause he was going to take her to her first session that night and then it was going to be fawn's turn to take her then it will be George's turn to take her and it will start back over again with Kevin taking her

Nordonia comes down the stairs with her book cause she has been reading here and there and her flute as well cause Fawn has been working with her on learning the flute and Nordonia has been loving it completely

"Tomorrow don't you have dance class?" Kevin asks her as they were leaving the house to head to where her therapy session was being held at which was at one of the community centers in town

"Yeah cause we have our recital coming up so I want to be completely perfect for this recital daddy" she tells him as she got in the car to head to the community center for her group therapy session that she was going to have

"Any soloists?" He asks her as he got in the car as well cause if she was going to be featured he was going to get front row seats to watch her dance her heart out

"Yeah I'm one of them daddy" she says as she buckled up as well before Kevin started the car so they could head to the community center for her therapy session

Kevin's mouth drops cause he didn't know that she was going to be a soloist at her age already so she had the dancing gene in her blood already which he was totally happy about that he had his dancing girl already and she might do good at her dancing competition that she was going to be going to as she was going to be getting older as well

"Don't worry mommy and me as well as your siblings and of course grandpappy will be in audience in opening night as well and we are going to be cheering you on full force baby" he says as he was still driving to the location of the group session as well cause this was going to help her major to get through this pat Kevin and fawn were joining a parenting group later on when they could find one that has baby-sitting cause Fawn's dad could not watch all of the kids like that, but the older ones are willing to step up to the plate and help out with their siblings and watch one or two at a time and make sure they won't get into too much trouble at all either, and if they could not find a parenting group that has babysitting that was going to be plan b for the two of them to get through this season of life that they were in and trying to navigate and keep everybody on the same page and they are not overwhelmed as well by this and they were going to have their breaks when they need their breaks and need some time just to breathe as well

(Community center)

"Here we are Nordonia this is where your therapy sessions are going to be are you going to be okay for the first session cause I can stay here if you want me too" Kevin asks her as he parks the car and he was going to walk her to the community center room where her group therapy session was going to be held cause she had to look for the room of course and that was going to be fun in itself as well cause she was hoping that she could find the right room of course and she makes some friends as well at this therapy session of course and hopefully nobody makes fun of her for having a lot of sisters and only having two brothers and finding out that she is adopted

"Can you help me find my therapy classroom please?" She asks him as she unbuckles herself and gets out of the car

"Sure I can princess cause I value this time we have together and anytime you want to spend time together cause before I know it you are going to want to spend time with your friends and hang out with them and not your parents or your siblings at all either and I'm just fine with that sweetheart" he says as he was going to get out of the car and walk with her to the community center to where her group session was going to be at

Kevin finds her room and watches as she takes a seat in one of the bean bag chairs that was in the room for the kids and it looked like she was going to have a good group session that day and it was the first day of the healing process for her as well and hopefully it goes well for her and she have some normal life as well cause it was not going to be the easiest on her at all either so her road was going to be the longest but she will get through this part of her life and leave it behind her as well and she can have memories from her group sessions that she is going to be attending to help her cause they were going yo do all sorts of team building activities to help everyone get through this and they will be put together in groups based on the age category which is okay for her cause she needed kids her own age that are going through this as well which is not a lot of kids at all and it looked like there were older kids mostly in this group that she was going to be in and she was completely and totally okay with that cause she wanted to have an older sibling and with the session that could happen

"Bye sweetie" he says as he waves to her as he was going to be leaving cause he had to get home and he was going to come right back to pick her up after the session was over with and they were going to get ice cream and they were going to talk about her sessions that she is going to be going through and what they are doing and what they will be doing in therapy every week like trips and activities as well to help her with this cause this was not easy at all either for her as well cause she was the oldest she was bound to be left out at some point as well which was going to cause problems with the little kids involved as well

More sometime when the views are a little more up then what they are now cause I'm close to 2000 words on this chapter

Back on schedule one day like my next day off which will be I don't know once again today was a surprise day off like out of the blue as well to me

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