Telling everyone the news

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"Now to get the welcome home party started for sure and see how she does cause we know what is wrong with her as well" Kevin says as he was bringing her into the house, and he was going to put her with the babies to see how she acts with them

"Ravenna right now you are on green so if you hit any of the babies you will go right to yellow and stay on yellow for the rest of the day and if you misbehave again you will go to orange and you keep misbehaving you will go to red and that means no special privileges like being on your tablet or having a special treat like ice cream" Fawn tells her cause she started laying down the law with the middle one of the bunch cause she had to be form with her even though she was going to be a special little girl as well and that was going to be fun to tell her that no means no as well

Ravenna nods as she looks at mommy cause she knew what was going to happen to her as well if she stepped out of line too and she knew that she could not hit the babies cause she knew about the babies and Fawn and Kevin have been practicing with the girls to get them ready for the babies to join the family as well cause that was going to be fun and the older girls have adjusted to the babies really well and they have been helping where they could right now and they have taken on the schedule as well and they were going to get help during the night in the summer as well to help mommy and daddy with the babies as well cause it was going to be a team effort with the babies as well and they were going to clean the bottles and take out the trash a lot more and load the washer as well too which if they complete all of their task they were going to get some type of allowance as well

"Nordonia, can you come here please there is something that we need to tell you" Kevin says as he grabbed K.J cause he woke up and he was going to need fed as well like his brother and his sisters as well

Nordonia runs to daddy cause she was in the middle of her chore right now and Kevin was glad she was doing really good, and she was going to earn her first allowance and she was saving up for something special for her and for her mommy as well cause she loved her mommy a lot and it showed as well

"Nordonia this is not going to be easy on me to say this" he says as he took a deep breath and was going to get ready to tell her what was wrong with her sister right now and he was having a hard time trying to come up with the right words

Nordonia put on her listening ears to listen to what daddy had to say about sissy and what was wrong with her as well cause she was going to need to help sissy if there was something the matter with her like she was really sick or something

"Nordonia your sister has autism, so she is going to be a special child as she gets older" Kevin tells her as he came up with the best way to say it to her without making it sound like worse

Nordonia did not know what to say right now all she was speechless right now that her sister was going to be really special and that she was going have to step up and take care of her new siblings as well cause Ravenna was going have to be separated from the babies for a while cause she might hit them as well and that was not going to be good either

"Nordonia the hospital is going to help you get used to this new normal right now and if you are going to need someone to talk too as well someone is going to be there for you no matter what, and mommy and me are going to help out with the babies as well like be their primary care giver cause we are not going to throw all this on you at once, and if you want to do dance or something you can do dance as well" Kevin says as he was talking to her as well cause he saw that she was going to be needing some guidance on this new journey that the whole family was going to be on as well cause it was not going to be easy dealing with four newborns, an autistic toddler, an almost toddler, three preschoolers so the McHale household was going to be a circus everyday for the most part

Nordonia was glad that she was going to have help understanding the new normal that was going to be happening around her house, and help her deal with a special sister and what she can do to help out cause Ravenna might get mad and hit her sister out of frustration or just for the fun of it and Nordonia will have to understand that it might be her autism or the side effects of her medication that she will be on that will cause her to not be herself some days and some edge might be an ordinary toddler just dealing with life as well

"Pappy will spend one on one time with you too" Kevin tells her cause they were going to work out a schedule of who will get to have one on one time with Nordonia while Kevin and Fawn juggle the babies and the other kids cause they had two other girls who were going ot help out with the babies and Jackson a lot more the helping with Nordonia cause they were going to be their buddy to help them navigate the new season of life that they were going to be experiencing and was going to change their lives as well cause it's going to be different having a sibling that has autism cause they are going have to be her voice when they go out in public and Fawn and Kevin will have to come up with a plan on what they are going to do if she has a episode in public cause one will have to deal with her while the others will have to deal with the others and maybe they could have George come along at certain times when another set of hands will need to come into play too

More will come hopefully

Happy holidays and happy New Year

More will come when I don't have to work over or work in general and I have a day off like normal and I'm not sick at all or whatever else too or coworker's get sick and goes away for almost two months and I have to go back and forth between two stores

Happy Easter

New chapter next week

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