Results part 2

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Kevin was up early, and he got Ravenna dressed since she was up and ready to go as well and Fawn woke up right after and once everyone was ready, they headed to breakfast at one of the local restaurants by the hospital

"Today we see if she has autism and how bad it is" Fawn says as she had breakfast

"Yeah, I hope it's not too bad" Kevin says as he had his breakfast as well that morning

"Me either" Fawn says as she continues to eat and of course freed Ravenna her breakfast as well

Once breakfast was over they headed to the hospital to see the results of Ravenna tests and see how bad her autism was or is going to get


"I hate hospitals" Fawn says as they boarded the elevator to go see Ravenna doctors that look at her as well as who the quints were going to be seeing as well

Kevin agrees with her cause he hated hospitals as well

"Here we are let's go get checked in" Fawn says as she walked with Kevin who was pulling the wagon that had Ravenna in it right now cause she was too big for the stroller so she graduated to the wagon and she was loving it

Kevin checks Ravenna in and they take a seat in the waiting room to wait for the results of the tests that Ravenna had done the day before

"Look Ravenna" Kevin says as he was going to play with her right now cause he wanted to see what shoe could play with as they were waiting cause the wait was going to be long for her and for them and Fawn was going to pump and check on the quints cause George was bringing the quints up for their first check-up as a group cause they needed thirty minutes for the babies and Nordonia and the three oldest was going to be helping with that appointment as well


"Ravenna McHale" the nurse says as she came out for Ravenna

Kevin carries Ravenna into the doorway and Fawn follows behind

"In here" the nurse tells Fawn and Kevin cause this day was full of nerves and emotions as well cause Fawn could not wait to hear what was the verdict with Ravenna's test

Kevin and Fawn were waiting and they wanted to hear what was wrong with Ravenna and how bad was it cause she was going to have an IEP like how her mom did when she was in school and Fawn hopes she can be a normal kid in time with a little help of course from her parents, siblings and her teachers when she goes to school as well cause she will be able to go to special school for preschool then she will go to regular school when she starts kindergarten cause Fawn wanted her in regular school from the get go and she has to go to special preschool and get everything going for regular school as well, and Kevin was with her


The doctor told Kevin and Fawn that Ravenna was autistic and she was a level two at the most right now, and her parents were happy with that decision and they will need to help her out and show her what is going to be okay for her to do and what is not okay for her to do so they will have to do green light and red light with her cause that was the easy method for her to understand

"Well now is the perfect time to put green and red light to the test with her and if that works, we will keep it and use it and if it doesn't we will use something else" Fawn tells Kevin as they headed home with her to break the news about Ravenna and how she has autism, and figure out how they could help her cause they had to call starlight to see if they will accept her for preschool when the time comes for her to go to school and if they don't they will have to look for another place that could take her and try to help her as well and she will be on medicine as well to help keep it under control as well cause she is going to have her days as well when she will want to be a good girl and there is going to be days where she will be a bad girl and they will help her control it

"Yup the red and green light method will work and we can work in yellow and orange as well cause those will we the warning colors for her so when she hits those colors she will have to watch it cause once she gets on red for the day she will have no special privileges as well like her siblings" Kevin agrees with her cause that was the easy method right now with her cause she was young and they could tweak it when she gets older to something different as well and make the colors different as well to suite her if the method works really well as well


"Now to get the welcome home party started for sure and see how she does cause we know what is wrong with her as well" Kevin says as he was bringing her into the house and he was going to put her with the babies to see how she acts with them

"Ravenna right now you are on green so if you hit any of the babies you will go right to yellow and stay on yellow for the rest of the day and if you misbehave again you will go to orange and you keep misbehaving you will go to red and that means no special privileges like being on your tablet or having a special treat like ice cream" Fawn tells her cause she started laying down the law with the middle one of the bunch cause she had to be form with her even though she was going to be a special little girl as well and that was going to be fun to tell her that no means no as well

Ravenna nods as she looks at mommy cause she knew what was going to happen to her as well if she stepped out of line too and she knew that she could not hit the babies cause she knew about the babies and Fawn and Kevin have been practicing with the girls to get them ready for the babies to join the family as well cause that was going to be fun and the older girls have adjusted to the babies really well and they have been helping where they could right now and they have taken on the schedule as well and they were going to get help during the night in the summer as well to help mommy and daddy with the babies as well cause it was going to be a team effort with the babies as well and they were going to clean the bottles and take out the trash a lot more and load the washer as well too

more next week happy 4th

more is coming sometime maybe in the future again when I don't close or work period like I have been cause of no help still and I am still closing on Friday still or working Friday then closing Saturday night so next week for sure updating this once every other month for the time being too cause of not much help still so maybe my day off or something I can do another chapter hopefully

new chapter I'm thinking my last vacation that is next week

The McHale bunch wattys 2023जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें