My first real friend?

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Well I updated soonedlr than I thought I would! I was getting tons of ideas for what I could do in this chapter, along with all of the other ideas I always have in my head that randomly come to me on those days where I wake up at 3 am and it feels like 12 am! I know some of you guys already know them, well I don't own hetalia! Enjoy!
The next month at school didn't get any better. Nobody bullied me outside anymore, probably because they thought Germouser could have done more damage than he did last time.

Currently, Ludwig was finishing packing for a three day long trip for work. Apparently Feliciano and Kiku were going too. I saw Ludwig come down the stairs with a suitcase. " I'm about to leave now, are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" He asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I answered. "Und don't talk to strangers, und don't open the door to anyvon unless its mein bruder, Roderich, or police." He said. "Okay." I said. "Vell, I'll be off now, take care of the house und yourself." He said. I nodded. We said our goodbyes then Ludwig left.

I sighed. " wow. The whole house to myself, now what shall I do?" so for the next two hours, I drew my favorite Pokemon, played some pretty songs on the piano, and ran around the house and yard singing random anime opening and ending songs. eventually I got tired of doing that so I decided to take the dogs for a walk. Even though there were three of them, and they were big, they were all gentle and trained well. I put on the leashes and took them outside.

While walking, I felt something heavy jump on my back. At first I thought it was the bullies doing something, but then I realized it felt more like an animal. I looked behind me and saw a cat latched onto my back. It was a large, white cat with brown semi circles under its eyes, and long dark fur around its neck. It started to meow.

' why is there a cat on my back?' I thought. "YO AMERICAT! WHERE'D YOU RUN OFF TO DUDE?" I heard someone yell loudly. 'Huh, so Americat must be its name, and that must be its owner.' I thought, looking at the direction the voice came. I could hear Aster whine a bit in confusion. I tooktook Americat off my back and held him. He was heavy, but that just seemed normal with how big he was and all of his fur.

As soon as I help the cat, I could see a boy that looked about my age running towards me. of course he was a bit taller. When he got to me, I could see that he had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, semi-circle glasses, that looked much like the marks on the cat, and a strange cowlick on the part where his hair parted. "Phew, s-sorry

if my cat caused you any trouble, he just runs off sometimes." He said. "Oh no! He just jumped on me, that's all." I said and handed him the cat, it was a little hard with the weight and the dog leashes, but when the boy took his cat, it seemed like the weight didn't even matter. " thanks! By the way, my name's Alfred." he said. I smiled and replied, " nice to meet you, Alfred. My name is (Y/n)." I wondered if I would be able to be friends with Alfred. I never really had a real friend or a long lasting friendship. Alfred looked behind me. "Are those your dogs?" he asked. " well, sorta. They actually belong to my caretaker......" he stopped for a moment. "Oh, s-so your..." "Yea..." I said sadly. " well anyway, heh, w-what are their names?" he asked, changing the subject. "Well the German Shepherd is Berlitz, to the Golden Retriever is Aster, in the dachshund is Blackie." I answered. "Cool! I wish I had a dog, since my brothers and I all have our own cat mom said it would be too much." he said, petting the dogs. "You have brothers?!?! I wish I had at least one sibling, it would have made up for not having any friends really..." I covered my mouth. He looked up sadly. "Y-you have no friends?" I nodded sadly. He even smiled, which confused me. "Well then, I'll be your friend! I was going to try to be your friend anyway though!" He said. "R-really?!" I said excited. "Yeah! I am the hero after all!" he said with a thumbs up. "Thank you!" I thanked. "Meet me back here in an hour, and then we can go to my place and learn about each other." He said. "Alright!" I said. We said goodbye, and he went back the way he cane with Americat. I went back home as well.
Ah! Finally, this took forever to write! Well I hope you liked this chapter, ciao~!

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