A baseball game and a mother?

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The next two days were gleeful. I hadn't yet met Alfred and Matthew's bug brother, but I would soon enough. Ludwig had also come back.

It was Sunday evening. Ludwig was washing dishes after dinner, and I was finishing homework at the table. Then I heard a plate fall and break, and Ludwig yell, "vhat zhe hell?!?" I looked up and saw Ludwig looking at Alfred who was at the window. "Alfred?" I questioned. "Yep, it's me!" He looked down at the broken plate. "Oops, sorry about that." "Whao are you?.......vait! Recognize your face, your vone of the kids zhat broke vonw of my vindows!" Ludwig yelled. Alfred went pale. "S-sorry about that too!!" A panicked Alfred said. I tried to break the on coming one sided argument. "L-ludwig, that's my friend Alfred." I said. Ludwig looked at me, then back at Alfred, and then he sighed. "Nevermind about zhe vindow zhem. But vhat are you doing here so late? Von't your muti start to vorry?" He asked Alfred. "Nah, my mom left on a short trip so that won't really matter," He looked at me. "and I came to ask if you wanted to come to my baseball game tomorrow after school?" He asked me. "Oh, that game? I was actually already gonna go to that one. Its actually between my school and yours." I said, which also made me remember that tomorrow was Monday, and Monday ment the people at school would be grumps, and all in all that would mean problems for me. "Cool! See you tomorrow then?" He asked. I nodded my head for yes. "See ya later then!" He said before leaving. I looked at Ludwig. "Did he really break your window?" I asked. "Ja, he vas viz two ozher boys too I zhink. Vone of zhem looked like him, und zhe ozher had bright blonde hair und seemed to be scolding him as zhey ran off." Answered Ludwig. "How'd they break it anyway?" I asked again. "It vas viz a baseball." He replied. "Oh, well the boy that looked like Alfred was probably his younger brother, Matthew, and the one you said who was scolding him was probably his older brother, Arthur." I said. "You know all zhree of zhem?" Ludwig asked. "Mhmm, later on the day you left I took Blackie, Berlitz and Aster on a walk," I saw all three of them lift their heads in our direction. "And then a cat jumped on me, but it turned out to be Alfred's, and that's how we met! I also met Matthew that day, but I haven't met Arthur yet." He nodded his head.

The next day was normal as always. I got tripped three times and my hair pulled twice, I managed to get only a couple broses though, which was good for me. I was hoping the day would be over with quickly. I wanted to see my only friends, Alfred and Matt. 'Hmm, I guessing that Alfred's mom is back, I wonder if his older brother is going to be there." I thought to myself as I walked out of my last class to my locker. The same girl from my first day back was there as well. She never really bullied me or anything, so sometimes I wondered if I could be friends with her, but that was probably just wishful thinking.

As I was outside, I was almost to the stands, but I was stopped by one of the bullies, Edward. "Where are you going?" He asked. "T-to the g-game......" I said, feeling my self confidence shrivel up like burnt paper. "Why? Its not like anybody wants you watching." He said rudely. "N-no, someone asked me yesterday to c-come and w-watch." I tried to say, but it sounded more like a squeek. He was about to say something more, but then I heard a familiar voice yell, "(Y/N)!!" Ed and I both turned to see Alfred, in his baseball uniform, running towards me with a worried expression. I looked back to see that Edward had disappeared. Alfred was right next to me now.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" He asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said, looking down a bit. "......well, okay then." I could tell Alfred didn't completely believe me. "Well, I gotta go back now, or coach is gonna be mad. Matt's in the stands over there." He said, pointing to the metal bleachers. "Okay." I said as he left.

I went to the bleachers and watched the game with Matthew. In the end, Alfred's team ended up winning, which I was secretly happy with, because I had no reason to rought for my school.

After the game we had all talked a bit, then Alfred's mother had come over, this was the first two I had met her. She looked to me and smiled, then held out a hand for me to shake, which I did. "Hi, I'm Anna Jones. Nice to meet you. I assume your (Y/n)?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones." I looked around for a second to see that Alfred had gone off towards the changing rooms, and that Matthew had probably went with him. "Anna is fine dear." Said Anna. "Oh, alright then! Nice to meet you Anna. " I said with a smile.

Merp this took forever to type, well at least its done! I hope you liked it, and the names I used in it, those were just random names, so if they sound weird that's why. And also, side note, I'm a little scared right now because in like 3 hours in getting my hair cut for the first time in like 4 years, which includes just little trimmings,
Well ciao ~!

~ A new life ~ a Germany x child reader fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora