Chapter 3

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(PROOF READ !!! Feel free to point out any errors!!)

Cyd had slept over at Shelby's, Cyd had slowly gotten out of bed careful not to wake Shelby up. It was 11:30. Cyd was surprised she even woke up that early. Cyd grabbed a paper and pencil writing a note saying she went to her house to grab some clothes. Cyd knew Shelby would wake up soon. So she left, grabbed her jacket and headed off to her house. Shelby moved around on the bed, moving her arm where Cyd was. "Cyd?" She groaned out since she just woke up. Shelby moved to her side and opened her eyes and sighed. Where did she go? She moved back over to her other side and saw a note on her desk. She sat up and picked it up. Will she be back though? Shelby was a bit worried Cyd wouldn't come back. She shook the feeling off and just decided to get ready for the day. After she had finished, she headed downstairs to see her mom cooking breakfast. "Hey mom" Shelby's mom smiled. "Hi sweetie, want some breakfast?" Shelby sat down by the counter. "Sure" She looked around. Shelby's mom sat a plate in front of Shelby. Shelby gave her mom a small smile and a small thank you. She started eating her breakfast. "Are you okay?" Shelby looked at her mom. "Yeah I'm fine." Shelby's mom raised a brow. "You look like you're looking for someone" Shelby shook her head. "Just wondering where Bret and Chet are" Shelby's mom just gave a chuckle. "They're with your father at work. It was bring your son to work day today" Shelby made a small 'o' shape with her mouth. "Gotchya" Cyd walked through the door and sat next to Shelby. "Are you done with that?" She pointed to Shelby's food. Shelby looked over at Cyd. "How about you try asking my mom for some breakfast she made" Cyd looked at Shelby's mom. "Don't worry Cyd, I didn't forget about you" She had set a plate that was already made in front of her. Cyd just about dug in. "Well, now I'm done. Don't worry mom I got it" Shelby took her plate and dumped the rest off her plate into the garbage. She washed her plate off and everything. After she was done she put the plate and other items she used for her breakfast away. Cyd had done the same. Cyd looked around. "Hey, where are-" Shelby told Cyd how it was 'take your son to work day' today so they didn't need to worry about them. Cyd shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, what do you wanna do today?" Shelby decided that they go to the mall for epic girls day. Cyd smiled and grabbed Shelby's hand. Why does my face get hot every time she makes any contact with me? I can't like her, we just met a couple days ago. Shelby just shook it off and put a smile on her face. Once they had gotten to the mall Cyd let go of Shelby's hand. They had gotten their two free smoothies like they usually did. The day went by quick as they didn't keep track of time. Is this what it feels like? You just forget about everything and everyone? Your just to focused on one thing? Shelby had thoughts running through her head, but except they were good thoughts. She just smiled and shook her head. Today was the best day ever. I wish there was a way I could do it over again. What? A girl can dream. Shelby chuckled to herself. It wasn't loud enough for Cyd to hear it though. It was getting late so the girls had headed back to Shelby's house. "You mind if I crash here again? I just gotta run to my house and grab some fresh clothes." Cyd was about to leave when Shelby smiled and grabbed Cyd's arm. "Why don't you just keep some of your clothes here? So you don't gotta go back and forth between my house and yours...?" I'm not asking her to move in with me. I mean it would be great but I don't know what my parents would say. I met Cyd a few days ago. Shelby was nervous what Cyd would say. "Sure, just let me run to my house and I'll grab some clothes and I'll be back" Both girls had forgotten that Shelby was holding Cyd's arm. So they were just silently looking at each other. Oh no, I can't let Cyd see me like this. Let go of her arm! Shelby let go of Cyd's arm and Cyd told Shelby she'd be back. Cyd had left and Shelby stood there with her face being all red. I can't be the only one who feels like this. I can't feel like this though. She seems way different than me. She's all cool, and has a motorcycle and seems like the type of person to do graffiti on the city wall! But then again I would be the type of person to- Shelby sighed and shook her head. I gotta stop this. What if she goes into the bathroom and I forget she's in there? Oh man. Shelby went downstairs only to hear the door open. Shelby stopped mid way on the staircase. Cyd walked through the door and closed it. Well? Don't just stand there, do something. "Do you need any help?" Shelby walked down the stairs and over by Cyd. "Yeah, here" Cyd gave some of her clothes to Shelby. "Thanks for the help" Cyd walked over to the staircase and went up to Shelby's room. I can't believe this is happening right now. Shelby walked up the stairs to her room only to find Cyd with her shirt off. Again. Not this again. Dang it! Shelby turned around really fast and almost fell down the stairs, but luckily she caught herself by hanging onto the railing. Phew, that was close. Cyd turned around to find Shelby hanging onto the railing. Cyd jogged over to Shelby. "Are you okay?" Cyd raised a brow and lent a hand down to Shelby. Shelby smiled lightly and chuckled. "Yeah I'm okay." Shelby grabbed Cyd's hand and Cyd pulled her up grabbing Shelby around the waist. They were face to face now. Shelby's heart was pounding. "Uh...." Shelby turned them around and grabbed Cyd's hand and pulled her away from the staircase. "Here's your clothes....I'll be right back" Cyd was confused as Shelby went back downstairs. She had gotten herself a drink of water despite the feeling of being a nervous wreck. "How is she so cool and calm? Why do I feel like this? I only met her a few days ago." Shelby ranted to herself. Her heart was beating and her palms were a bit sweaty. She sighed and went over to a window and opened it to cool down. "Did that really just happen? This has to be my imagination. But it can't be because it's real. Right?" Cyd had came down the stairs and went over by Shelby wrapping her hands around her waist. Shelby jumped a little. "Didn't mean to scare you" Shelby smiled a little. "It's okay" They just stood there looking out the window with Cyd's head on Shelby's shoulder. In the position their in, you'd say they're a couple enjoying each other's presence. Shelby had thoughts running through her head again. How long until I tell her how I feel...should I tell her now? But I can't. What if she doesn't like me back. She's to different from me. But whenever she makes any sorts of contact with me, my heart races and my face turns red, and my ears get hot. This is all so complicated. What am I supposed to do? I guess the only thing I can do is hide my feelings from her. It's the only way. Shelby sighed. Cyd went on one side of Shelby with her arm still around her waist. "You okay?" Shelby looked at Cyd. "Yeah, I'm ok" Cyd smiled and looked out the window again as Shelby had put her head on Cyd's shoulder. Shelby closed her eyes and just decided to get lost in her own little world. She focused on the calm things like being in a field of flowers where it's peaceful and quiet. She opened her eyes again. This time, Shelby was okay being in Cyd's arms since it felt so natural. She smiled and sighed in content. She was okay.

Chapter 4 coming your way! I hope you're enjoying this so far....I stopped mid mental health break for this lmao. ❤️ I know a lot of you were waiting for another chapter. So, here it is!

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