what have I done?

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Ok I finished the chapter and it deleted the whole thing!!!!!!! So now I have to restart this chapter. So without further adõ...

??? Pov

What have I done? I asked myself as tears threatened to spill.

It's all my fault.

I should have just left it alone.

It's all my fault...

2 hours earlier.

Chica s pov.

I wAited in the party room as I chatted with Bonnie and Freddy about random things.

I went into the hallway and bumped into golden Freddy.

"Bout time, now what is this 'simple little thing' you want me to do?" I asked tapping my foot impatiently.

"Give this to toy freddy, I make your problems disappear." He hissed slightly coming closer to me so are faces were inches apart.

I pushed him back slighty taking the package and stomping into the backstage to find toy freddy.

My cheeks were hot with embarrassment.

I walked into the backstage and saw Fred sit ing down looking at a book of some sort.

I cleared my throat loudly making him look at me.

"G. Freddy told me to give this to you..." I said handing him th package.

"Ah, yes thank you my dear." He said smiling and taking the package.

I walked back into the hallway as a terrified scream rang through out the pizzeria.

I ran into the party room and there mangled up terribly with parts everywhere was my beloved foxy.

I ran to him picking his head up slightly as tears threatened to spill.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and I began to sob uncontrollably.

This was all my fault.

I should have just let them be...

It was all my fault!

I should have never trusted that blasted bear.

It was all my fault.

better then pizza (chica x foxy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now