Story 1: Dara & Her Shadow

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Copyright © 2022 Christine Bronk. All rights reserved.

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All characters, incidents, and locations are products of the author's imagination; any resemblance to actual events, persons (living or dead), or places are completely coincidental.

Dice Roll: fiend shadow, fire, arrow wheel, cane, abacus, smiley, teepee, speech bubble, tree

Once there was a girl named Dara. She lived in a tent out in the woods, alone but for herself and her shadow.

Dara was a generally happy girl: sturdy tent for a home, beautiful trees that flowered in spring all throughout the woods, campfires in the evening...

Every day was a new adventure. After breakfast every morning, she would pull out the old arrow she'd found in the woods and spin it; whatever direction the arrow pointed, she would walk. Whenever she went out, she always made sure to take along her walking cane and her abacus, 'cause you never know when you might suddenly need to do a math problem.

Her best friend was her own shadow, who would take different shapes in the evenings around the campfire to tell Dara stories, since the shadow couldn't talk. Dara would always watch the shapes her shadow took and she would narrate the stories out loud herself. They would tell some pretty crazy stories sometimes.

Some of them might even end up here in this collection.

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