Story 10: Mobile of Flying Things

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Dice Roll: bee, fiend shadow, airplane, fountain, letter, magnet, speech bubble, cane, arrow wheel

The baby giggled and cooed, reaching its pudgy hands up toward the mobile spinning above its head. The large circle spun slowly, each spoke of the wheel ended with an arrow; the tip of each arrow held a string, from which various flying things hung: an airplane, a butterfly, a helicopter, a bee, a kite, a bird, and, in the very middle, a griffin.

Sunshine streaming in the window made monstrous shadows of the toys lined up on the window sill: teddy, doll, frog, puppy, clown, bunny, and beaver became a strange, lumpy line with many arms and eyes.

A knock at the door drew the baby's mother away from the crib. The aging mailman handed her a stack of letters with a smile, then continued down the hallway, leaning on his cane. She flipped through the letters, then smiled when she saw the postcard from her father in Italy. The postcard showed a giant, ornate fountain, fishes and women bearing urns dribbling water into the pool. She hung in on the refrigerator with a magnet that was a blank speech bubble. She grabbed the dry erase marker and wrote, "Hi," into the speech bubble before sitting at the kitchen table to write a letter to her father.

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