Hospitals Suck.

779 27 9

Tris' pov;)

When my mom and dad finally get to my hospital room, it's 5:34.


You suddenly get a lot of time when you broke an arm but still used it, broke your foot and ankle after tripping over a large rock on your way to get Uriah out of the rubble. Oh yeah and the worse one, no powers. For a long time.

Apparently if you get injured enough your powers stop working.

Sucks, I know.

So now I can't move and I can't make things move to me.

"Hey mom, dad, what's wrong with them?" I ask frantically, as the walk into my hospital room.

I had sent them on a mission to look up on the gang. See what's wrong with them.

"Ok sweetie here." my mom says handing my good arm a clipboard with the gangs injures on it.

Christina~ Broken wrist, leg possibly paralyzed if not completely broken, glass wedged in arm deeply.
Uriah~ broken hand, broken foot.
Zeke~ bad stab wounds; one in stomach, broken collarbone.
Marlene~ broken nose, fractured knee, deep cuts, possibly infected glass stab wound in ankle; probably broken.
Lynn~ 3 broken fingers, wrist fractured, temporary amnesia.
Shauna~ 7 broken toes; not good for walking, showing signs of memory loss.

He last fre made me cry harder than I already was.

Four~ broken arm, fractured skull, broken knee cap.
Will~ coma.
Al~ dead.

As I crumpled into myself for killing, or seriously injuring, everyone one of my best friends.

My mom come over to my bed to comfort me. I pushed her off me.

"No! Go away! I'll only hurt you!" I yelled as I swallowed tears that have rolled in to my open, crying, mouth.

My mom and dad quietly left for the door, leaving me alone to cry. my mom stopped after the door frame and brought her head around to look at me.

"It's not your fault sweet heart." She whispered and led slowly.

~.~.~.~.time lapse; 1 week.~.~.~.~.~.~.


Oh my god.

Every minute that ticked by felt like hours.

I had, now, 9 minutes until I got to go see Christina. It took days to finally convince the darn doctors to let me go see her. I also got to see the rest of the gang, but Christina would be the first stop. They moved her to right down the hall from me, but won't let me see her.

Today is the first time since the --- tragedy.

I've seen Lynn walk by my window slowly with a nurse quietly whispering in her ear.

I had shot up and ran to the window, pounding on it, yelling, despite the pain. She looked at me blank faced and I had forgot she had amnesia for the time being.

I had sunk down the window sobbing as nurses piled in my room, trying to calm me and connect me back to the multiple machines.

The food here is horrible, might I ad-

"Tris Prior, are you ready to go see your friends?" The nurse, nurse Tracy, ha asked. She was the nurse that had taken care of me here.

She also bought me Toco Bell and brought it to me.

I nodded and started getting up.

After a few minutes of getting me set, we went out the for to see Christina.





Seeing the gang again

~•~ Kyndal

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