Chapter 2

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AN: Enjoy the cliffhanger :'3


Chapter 2:

After those 'hectic' events (which were also short and sudden), afternoon and evening came and went silently. Simmons had slept through the day, mostly peaceful with only a few moments of restlessness. Whatever Lynus had given him allowed him some respite from his inner torment.

Not long after Lynus' departure, Kerri and Tiffany practically stormed in. Kerri immediately, in her usual silence, drifted to Simmons' room and stopped by his bed. She didn't say or do anything other than to simply watch him for a few minutes. Kinda creepy in Rahas' opinion, but Simmons was thankfully unperturbed, still sleeping. After a moment, she silently left the room, seeming satisfied with something.

Tiffany had asked what had happened in a forced, dismissive way, in a vain attempt to hide her actual concern for Simmons. The fact that she didn't immediately use her usually loud voice was a clear sign of that.

That girl had some issues. Yes, he was allowed to say that. He had more than his fair share of issues, too.

The only issues he cared about at the moment was Simmons'. He could admit that to himself. He probably could even admit it to Shiki or Lynus.

The familiar clicking of claws against the hardwood flooring pulled Rahas from his thoughts. He rolled his head to the side, peering through the darkness at Farley. The blue-furred wolf stood by the couch, looking up at him with sad, pleading eyes. Rahas was a little surprised to find the wolf seeking him out, as he had little to do with Farley, other than watching as Simmons interrupt their training sessions to play with the energetic wolf.

He tensed when Farley reached up with a paw to rest on the edge of the couch. He then leaned up to rest his head on Rahas' chest, much like he had done with Simmons.

Farley wanted to comfort and be comforted.

Rahas relaxed back into the couch and rested his hand on Farley's head, idly dragging his fingers through his fur. "Yeah, I'm worried, too," he murmured quietly, receiving a soft whine in response.

It wasn't just him. Everyone was worried.

Yet, there was one thing that bothered Rahas the most;

Where did that whistle come from?

... ... ... ... ...

The creaking of a door startled Rahas out of a light sleep. He didn't tense up though, thankfully, with Farley sleeping on his chest and stomach. Yes, the wolf had crawled onto the couch with him during the night and Rahas didn't have the heart to push him off.

Forcing his eyes open, Rahas rolled his head to the side and through gradually clearing eyes, he watched as Gerald peeked into Simmons' room. From what he knew, Gerald was always the first one up and the one to cook breakfast. He appeared like a shouty, grumpy guy who was constantly exasperated with his teammates, especially Simmons. But he actually doted on them constantly, again especially with Simmons.

Turning away from the door, seemingly satisfied, Gerald appeared startled when he laid eyes on Rahas. He had likely forgotten that Rahas had stayed overnight. Not a surprising reaction, as it was indeed the first time he had done so.

"Sleep alright?" he asked, arching an eyebrow upon seeing Farley curled up with him.

"As much as one could," Rahas returned as he nudged said wolf lightly.

Farley didn't want to budge at first, the lazy pup. But he perked up a second later, either recognising Gerald's voice or scent, and lazily rolled off of the couch. He hit the floor with a light thud, but shook it off and trotted after Gerald.

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