Chapter 3

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AN: I know; so much for my hiatus! Ah, it doesn't matter. Writing helps anyhow. Also, there was a particular scene in this chapter that I was DYING to write. Can you guess which one~? Anyway, enjoy reading!


Chapter 3:

He immediately snatched little Ghali with his left arm, pulling him toward his chest as he simultaneously unholstered his gun from his coat. He sprung up to his feet, firing several times directly at the man, aiming for his chest.

That wicked smirk only grew as he somehow deftly dodged and deflected the bullets with his blade.

He was clearly no ordinary war magus.

The rapid attacks did allow Gerald to put some distance between them, however. He knew that the bastard would close the gap quickly, but it was better than nothing. It should allow him to reload.

Gerald ducked behind a wall and crouched to his knees. He momentarily set Ghali down on the ground, on his feet as he reached into his coat to pull out more ammo. It took him only seconds to rearm his weapon. He then opened his coat, and gathered the silent child against his chest, wrapping his coat around him to offer him a small form of protection.

"It'll be ok," he told the child gently, his heart breaking when a pair of vivid green eyes peered back at him. "I'll take care of you, I promise."

"Aww, bleeding heart Gerald," that bastard suddenly crooned, as if he had heard him. "Have a thing for strays, don't you? But if you keep protecting that kid, you might not be able to return to poor ol' Shiki, and his precious little son, hm? Sandra would be disappointed with you."

Gerald gritted his teeth. How the hell did he know so much about him?

The bricks of the wall next to Gerald unexpectedly exploded into dust and he instinctively hunched forward to shelter Ghali further. A sharp pain erupted from his right shoulder. Instead of stilling, waiting for the pain to pass, he sprung forward in an attempt to put distance between him and the cause of the pain. He somehow managed to stay on his feet as he spun around, raising his weapon to release several more shots.

A wicked smirk was all his saw as the bastard casually slipped behind the wall.

The structure was only a feature wall, and Gerald assumed that the bastard was slipping around to the other side.

Tightening his arm around Ghali, keeping him wrapped up in his coat, Gerald walked backwards as he skittishly moved the sight of his gun between two possible routes of attack. His heart was thundering so loud in his ears that he didn't hear an attack coming from a third.

Gerald tried to counter the incoming assault, only for another sharp pain to erupted from his leg. The pain lingered for a moment before unexpectedly turning into a dull, numbing ache. And it caused him to fall back onto the ground.

Damn it, Leg Cut?

Gerald raised his gun and kept it aimed on the bastard before him, only to have the man use his own sword to deftly angle the gun away from him. His grin somehow growing in malice as the gun sounded, sending a bullet into the air. Away from him.

"Hmmm, what shall I do now?" he purred. He actually purred.

Psychotic. He was completely deranged.

He had to find a way to fight back. Little Ghali...But, how could he fight against something like that...?

The sheer wickedness of the man's expression changed suddenly as his eyes darted to his left. Only to have something strike him on that side of his face. It was a fist, covered in thick leather, and it struck him on the cheek, contorting his entire face into something seemingly inhuman. But clearly all too painful.

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