Chapter 5

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AN: THIS IS IT! RAHAS IS FINALLY DONE WITH BEING A SPECTATOR! This chapter was satisfying to write, if I am to be honest. One more chapter to go! After this, I'll probably take a couple of weeks off, maybe write some oneshots and such. But I'll definitely be plotting and scheming for my next project.

Anyway, hope you enjoy~!

Warnings: Violence and murder


Chapter 5:

Ahimoth continued to taunt. Continued to mock. Continued to find sheer joy in the pain of others. His laughter was that of insanity. Damn sicko was getting off on all the pain he was inflicting upon Shiki, Gerald, and poor Simmons.

But...not for much longer.

With a silence, with a confidence he didn't know he possessed, Rahas walked up behind Ahimoth. His footsteps were silent against the grass. He hadn't heard him. Hadn't seen him.

But soon he would. He had ignored him. Dismissed him. And he was going to regret it.

Rahas' stare, cold with distain, was to be the last thing that man would ever see.

"Well, Shiki, maybe if I threaten dear ol' Gerald's life a little bit more, you'll-" Ahimoth's threat abruptly halted when a knife broke through the clothing of his right shoulder. The silver blade stained a crimson red.

As he turned his head to look at it, muted surprise on his face, Shiki's eyes also widen. Rahas, however, ignored both men. He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, his knuckles turning a ghastly white. And dragged the knife downwards. Through the muscles and tendons. Through the bones. Through the flesh and his clothes.

Ahimoth's arm immediately dropped down to his side. Limply and utterly useless. Unable to keep the hold of his sword, it, too, falling uselessly to the forest floor.

Hm, the knife was quite sharp. Likely by design. Though, this knife in particular was probably crafted for the final blow. After he had his fill of his 'pleasure'.

As Ahimoth grasped his shoulder with his left hand, he lurched himself away from Rahas and staggered back a few steps. He looked at Rahas with utter astonishment on his face. Surprised. Appalled by his actions.

"Looks like Lynus' ramblings of bodily anatomy finally paid off." Rahas leaned down and casually picked up Ahimoth's dropped sword with his free hand. "Hope you can wield a sword with just your left hand there, asshole."

Blood seeped through Ahimoth's fingers, coating his clothing, staining the green grass a crimson red. Ahimoth glowered at him, truly furious at having been caught off guard by that dark hunter boy, let alone actually being attacked by him.

The sheer audacity of it all.

Rahas ignored him, however, and spared a moment to glance at his surroundings. He tapped the sword idly against his leg. He didn't want to do the deed, as it were, in front of everyone. Especially not with Simmons there.

"Who would have thought that Taksony's kid would be the one." Ahimoth bit out a mocking laugh. "You're no different than me."

Rahas rolled his eyes in clear distain. "That's cute, but your manipulations won't work on me."

He had heard it all before. Nothing new. The same drivel. Touching on a person's insecurities. On their natural fear of doing wrong. Of being seen as a monster. Of being like them.

Just lies.

Better to shut him up. It was getting annoying.

Hm. That bruise on his face. Ah, it was when Axel punched him. That must have hurt. He should make it worse.

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