Chapter 4

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AN: It was oh-so tempting to unleash a bunch of fluffiness family goodness in this chapter, but I restrained myself. Those scenes can be for the book of oneshots. Best remain on track with this fic. I'm thinking five chapters with a short epilogue. Also long chapter, ahoy! Well, anyway, hope you enjoy reading!


Chapter 4:

Rahas crouched down in front of the fireplace, busying himself with lighting a fire as evening was fast approaching. Gerald had been released from hospital and sent home to rest. And to watch over Ghali.

Yet, the older gunner mustn't have been listening to the medical instructions of taking it easy that Lynus had spouted at him. Instead, as soon as they got home, he set about creating a place for Ghali to sleep. He and Shiki agreed that, for the night at least, Ghali will sleep in their bed with Gerald, while Shiki slept on the couch with Rahas.

Simmons, of course, offered his bed to Rahas, but he declined. The guy himself had a rough night last night. It would be better for him to try to get a good night's sleep, too.

Speaking of Simmons, he currently occupied the couch, busy entertaining a babbling Ghali.

Their introduction went as smoothly as everyone had expected. Lynus had introduced Ghali to him, and being the gentle guy he actually was, Simmons knelt down to his level. And introduced himself as Ghali new big brother.

That immediately put the kid's anxiety at ease. And he latched on him nearly immediately.

Rahas had to admit that it was...cute. He thought he would be annoyed with the tooth-rotting cuteness. But he honestly found it, well, endearing.

With the kid kept busy, and Gerald busy himself getting the bed suitable for a young kid, Shiki had slipped out the back with Farley to gather more wood for the fire. And to rummage around the storage shed back there, silently searching for the clothes that Simmons had when he was a kid.

Even so, he had sent Tiffany and Kerri on a quick errand to buy some kiddie clothes for Ghali. At least pyjamas for the night. The clothes he had on him had...smears of his father's blood all over them.

With the fire sparking to life, Rahas sat cross-legged on the floor and simply stared into the flames. Everything was moving rather quickly. Unfairly so, honestly. It felt to him that Gerald and Shiki hadn't had time to properly mourn the brutal murder of an old friend and teammate. They certainly hadn't been given time to fully comprehend that they had a dependent to take care of.

Though, maybe it was for the best that they didn't have time to dwell on it?

Rahas had no clue of what to say. What to do. If anything. It was incredibly frustrating.

An unexpected noise caused Rahas to raise his head to listen.

Was that...a whistle...?


Rahas snapped his head around in a flurry in Simmons' direction, and watched as the blue-haired landsknecht's usually bright eyes became dull and vacant. He was unnaturally still before his body jerked forward.

Where he snatched Ghali up off the couch.

Rahas felt his heart leap into his throat as Simmons wound his large arms around Ghali, holding him firmly against. The little blond was obvious to the potential danger he was in.

Simmons would never, ever hurt someone as small and fragile as Ghali. But "It", that thing he turned into after the sound of a certain noise, just might.

He had to do something!


But before he could do anything, Simmons twitched and backed away from him sharply. With one arm wrapped around Ghali, he snared his sword with the other. He didn't even look for it. He instinctively knew where it was.

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