My Friend, James Madison

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After several long days of travelling, Thomas stepped outside of the horse-drawn compartment and inhaled the promising fresh air. He was in New York City. The coachman had dropped him off, per Jefferson's command, at the Federal Hall. He had hoped to see his friend James Madison there since he was a representative at the house. He hadn't yet decided whether working with James or playing a major role in the nation's beginning excited him the most. Regardless, he knew these next years of his life would be very interesting.

The building had a very clean exterior with white pillars sprouting from the ground in support of the heavily-detailed roof. He hesitantly approached the massive wood doors, hand hovering over the doorknobs. Admiring the details again, Thomas pushed open the doors with some effort.

As he entered, he was welcomed to a large room with pillars, flags, statues, and a wonderful dome to protect the wonders from the weather. There were seats filled with congressmen, all of them turning around to look at Thomas after he had interrupted one of their very heated arguments.

"Hello," Thomas spoke nervously, not expecting to see a room full of this many men at once, "Would any of you kind gentlemen show me where President Washington and his cabinet members are working?"

"In the room to the left, " hissed a very low-voiced senator.

Due to his initial unease, Thomas had failed to note where the sound had come from.

"Thank you, sir."

No longer feeling out of place, he strutted past the interrupted meeting and opened the door to a very passionate discussion between the members in the room and stepped inside. A few men were scattered around the medium-sized room, a large fireplace centering against a wall catching his attention. In front of it stood a face he had been longing to see for so many months.

"Thomas Jefferson! We have been waiting for your arrival," a short man with long, greasy hair interrupted his thoughts and extended his hand, "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

Thomas stared at the man before offering a firm handshake. He nodded and moved on, then greeting the new President of their newfound nation.

"Mr. President, sir. It's great to see you. I would like to thank you for this opportunity you've provided me with today."

"Welcome home, Mr. Jefferson," Washington smiled kindly, "I hope we can talk about the offer I provided you with once I end my discussion with Mr. Hamilton."

Thomas shook hands with the President and returned a gleaming smile before spinning around, his eyes focused on the figure across the room. A man Thomas didn't recognize was talking to James when he saw the man point towards him. James looked over his shoulder, eyes widening at the sight of his friend.

He turned back to the man, murmuring something and coughing before frantically turning back towards Thomas.

Thomas noticed James's face was flushed a light pink, but didn't get the chance to mention it before a hand latched onto his forearm and he was dragged out of the room. As the doors closed behind him, Thomas saw Alexander Hamilton whisper to the same man James had been talking to a moment before, his words obstructed by a hand blocking his mouth from view.

"James? James where are we go–"

Thomas was quickly shushed by James, who continued to drag him through the elegantly carpeted hallways lined with portraits of various battles and famous figures. They stopped at a room far from the original one Thomas had entered. James opened the door and they entered, silently shutting the door after Thomas made his way into the room.

"So," Thomas began, his voice becoming slightly higher, "Why are we in an isolated room, far from any other person?"

James sighed, "Well, I just wanted to talk in private since we haven't seen each other for such an extended period of time."

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