I hugged Nii-sama!

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HinamoriMomoOfficial: I dare Rukia to hug her nii-san and see how he'll react.

>That's kinda awkward but... Okay! -Rukia :3

When I saw nii-sama having a conversation with Renji, I know that it's not gonna be easy for me to do the dare. But I have to.

I then walked straight to Nii-sama and I hugged him without any further adue.

Though I can't see his face, I know he's startled. 'Who wouldn't?' But luckily, He just stayed in his position. He didn't push me away either.

I let go of him and I heard him ask me, "Tell me, is there something bothering you?" I know he cares for me but his facial expression doesn't look like it and it confuses me every time. 'He looks cold as always.'

"R-rukia, are you okay?" I heard Renji ask me, confused for sure.

"It's n-nothing, Nii-sama! Renji!" 'They will get pissed off if I told them I just did that for of a dare...'

I then smiled as I bowed awkwardly at them before I flash-stepped away, leaving them totally unaware of what just happened.


'I have to think of an excuse to why I do that...' I sighed.


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