Chapter 9: Who's in Your Head?...cause, the way you hold me, hold me, hold me

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(Demi pov)
Though I'm so, so, really happy for Joe ever since he gave me the news about being engaged to his girlfriend who's new his fiancée whose now his wife, Sophia. I can't help but feel like there could've been a moment that we should've gotten together again, but hey! Maybe there was a good reason for why it didn't happen, I mean, they did say 'If you love something, let it go. If it was meant to be, it will come back to you." Then again, I feel like we were already kind of meant to be...I guess

(Justin pov)
Ah man, what am I doing now like I don't know what I should be more annoyed with, the fact that E! supposedly shown a throwback picture of me and Selena with a mention about her while defending my wife on screen for everyone including Hailey to see or the fact that Hailey is being a little insecure that she feels whatever I say to lift up her mood about this stuff. I mean, even if I try to serenade her to prove I'm stuck with you and you are the only one I ever love, it's not anyone, she'll be flattered and then thinks I'm just trying to be nice. You know to make her always, always feel totally secure! Like it's a little frustrating.

"Why the hell do they have to use that picture alongside with that quote? I mean, they could've easily chosen any other quotes from that statement you made but of course they picked this one!" She said out of frustration while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, sucks but it is what it is plus like I said earlier, 'I'm way more than happy to remind and to show you how much I love you over and over again' and I'll do it now if you want because I will."

"Aww, babe, I would love that but it's fine, I'm fine."
*End of flashback*

Know what just thinking about this won't work, I gotta take action.

"Yeah, you're right, Sorry for being a little-"

"Insecure? Nah, it's fine, and I can completely get why you would feel that way, Trust me I've felt like that once. But trust and believe though I loved her and always, always will love her considering the many beautiful yet complicated memories I've with're THE ONE for me. Okay, I found my One Less Lonely Girl again except this right here, right now is more than just us being each other's company. I don't mind the thoughts of spending 10, 000 hours and 10, 000 more being with you at all if it meant forever, alright? It'll always only be you and nobody else, okay."

"Even if what the media and the fake fans thinks otherwise?"

"Yes, of course. Now, how about I changed the channel to something we both want to see, huh?"

"Yeah, let's do that."


Justin's 2019 song "No Hard Feelings" got leaked and it caused a debate whether the song is his former love-of-his life/First REAL LOVE Selena or his wife Hailey Baldwin or even about both of them.

"Justin, what the hell is this?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What's up is there's a rumor you written a song for and about your ex that the same year you and I got together!

"Hailey, baby, you need to chill. Look, I'll admit yes I wrote that song in early 2019 when she and I was broken up. But that doesn't mean the song isn't about you as well because it is."

"Really? So it's about both of us, then?"

"Uhh..yeah, it is. But that doesn't and should've matter at all, okay? You and I are real, I'm truly head over heels in love with you, and that'll never, ever changed. Don't read too much into that stuff they've been saying about us, okay? and I know how you would"

"So..., what?"

Rather than just say something to respond, I turned on the radio and sang my 2020 track 'Intention'.

"Picture perfect, you don't need no filter
Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer
Shower you with all my attention
Yeah, these are my only intentions"

"Awwww....omg, thanks. Justin, I'm sorry about being crabby. It's j-"

"I know, I know I get it. Don't worry, this'll blow over, trust me."

(3rd pov)
From that moment on, Justin released a new song "Hold On" that's follow-up to his two recent hits "Holy" and "Anyone" which again of course probably praise about loving his wife, Hailey. Since the release the song, things have been doing really peachy for Justin's marriage with Hailey lately...until...

(Hailey pov)

"Um, Justin, have you listened to this junk the media are saying this time?"

"Oh, no. Does it have to do with this ridiculous narrative that I'm mean to you? Because you and I both know that's way, way far from the truth."

"I'll give you a hint." I said, showing him the headline surrounding whether his song "Ghost" is about his ex.

" I said, showing him the headline surrounding whether his song "Ghost" is about his ex

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"What th-"

"Yeah, I know and like I said before, 'they should at least get that you have found yourself a new love-of your-life' but with this kind of b.s, I can't help bu--."

"But what, Hailey?

"Look, I can really, completely get the saying 'You never forget your first love' in all, but this..This is beyond crazy!"

"Honey, honey relax. This is b.s, you shouldn't care whether this song or any other songs from this album are about her or not. Because they're not at all about or inspired by her. Okay, the last time I ever did a song about her was during the time I have ended thing with her and got with you called 'Don't Check on Me' with Chris. that's it, Hon, don't go too crazy over this. I find it courageous that you would continuously stick by me, and I appreciate that. I love that you would have to call out those fans and defending both yourself and my love for you, but I think for now, you should not say anything."

"I know, bu—"

"But nothing. This is clearly getting underneath your skins."

"I guess you're right. Thanks, Justin."

"Anytime, babe. Just know that I love you and not to quote my own song, but 'if it's not you, it's anyone.', alright?"

"Yeah, I get that. Thanks for saying that."

"It's cool, I'm way more than happier to tell you that again and again and again."

"I know, I'm happy to be your wife."

"Yeah. I love you so much, Hailey. Did I ever tell you that?"

"I've been told that before, I love you too Justy."

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