it's too much

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pattie hadn't fully comprehended what was still going on with george. why was he shutting himself out? was she just not the same way she was when they first met? all these horrible thoughts ran through her head but she was over it and slowly getting over him. it was upsetting, to say the least but he was pushing her away, NOT the other way around.

she had contemplated dying her hair red, but what would be the use? she even contemplated getting back into modeling and she knew that would anger george beyond his belief. she smirked to herself and decided on doing that. she went out, got some hair dye, and then looked around town for some modeling jobs.

george, at this point had been to bar after bar, chugging down drink after drink and all the while, while it was fun, he was getting fed up of the same ole same ole. he thought back to rami, the girl from india as he blushed to himself.

he had missed her the most and while all the sex he was having after india was good and all, he truly missed rami the most. he sat all by his lonesome as he thought about his wife. that's right, his wife! he thought about her blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin. he thought about her gapped teeth, her humor, her personality. he thought about them meeting for the first time and even getting married. he thought about her so much, that he actually ran to the bathroom to throw up. he threw up as he thought about his wife.

maybe it was because he knew cheating on her was wrong, or maybe it was because he simply didn't love her anymore. he knew it was too much to think about but what was he going to do?

she walked along the sidewalk after getting her hair dyed as she looked around for some work when a nice young man walked beside her, "sorry miss, but you look JUST like the type of woman i'm looking for! it's an ad for perfume and i think you'd be great for the job. my name is donald watson, i'm a entrepreneur." he grinned sticking his hand out.

she was a bit skeptical, but she shook it regardless, "patricia boyd." she nodded.

"patricia." he whispered, "do you have any nicknames?"

"please call me pattie." she grinned,

"pattie boyd." he smiled, "that's a beautiful name. are you married? kids?"

"yes, i'm married and i can't have kids." she replied, "what is the meaning of all these questions?" she asked with a tilted head.

"i just think you'd be a nice addition to my already growing business." he grinned, sticking out his hand, "do i have your trust?" he smiled, his teeth yellow.

she politely declined as she made her way further down the street when he approached her again, this time grabbing her shoulder. pattie let out a scream as a bystander heard her and ran over, punching the man in the face.

the dumbass bloke fell backwards as pattie and this mystery person ran off to safety.

once they found safety, the person smiled, "are you ok?"

"yes thank you very much. you didn't have to do that." she smiled shyly, looking down.

"it's ok. i'm justine and you are?" she smiled as pattie piped up,

"patricia! but please call me pattie." she replied as justine nodded,

"you got it." she winked while giggling a bit.

pattie blushed at the girl in front of her, fiddling with her thumbs as the girl cleared her throat,

"get home safely yeah? i gotta jet." she grinned as pattie nodded walking to her house. both women made it home safely.

"it's too much." he repeated to himself as he kept throwing up inside the bars bathroom. he kept throwing up over the thought of his wife, and he didn't know why. he finally decided to clean himself up and just go home for the night.

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