Chapter 5

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Close as Strangers

Chapter 5

Bella's POV

        CR. That word would be the death of me. It was replaying all over again in my head, and I thought I might go crazy thinking that he was asking - no, scratch that - telling me to meet him there later. Last night was filled of tossing and turning on my bed, so I'd probably look like a zombie. For the life of me, I could not even understand why he would want to see me again.

        The whole drama was so absurd. Yesterday was something I didn't expect to happen in my life... ever! And for heaven's sake, he followed me to my apartment, telling me he'd like to know me better. I had slapped myself so many times I couldn't count them, so I was sure this wasn't a dream nor did I turn crazy with unbelievable hallucinations.

        "Are you gonna sit there forever?" Angela's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

        "Nope," I answered with a big smile.

        "Uh-huh. You looked like you could use some pillows and sleep." She chuckled, arranging her things.

        "Ange, seriously, do I look like a bomb?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip again.

        "A bomb? What's that supposed to mean?"

        "Nothing," I mumbled.

        "You're spacing out again, Bella. Is there something wrong, or better yet, what happened when you got home yesterday?" She crossed her arms across her chest with her eyebrow arched.

        I purposely flung myself to the mattress, bouncing with a loud thud. "He was here."

        "WHAT?!" she shrieked so loud.

        I closed my eyes, reminiscing how it went. "I know, right."

        "Oh God! You need to explain everything!" She was suddenly right beside me, forcing me into a sitting position.

        And so I told her the whole scenario.


        "I don't wanna go to school, Ange, but I have to. I feel like I'm such a lost cause." I buried my head on my palms.

        I felt her stood up, so I looked up and saw that she had that ear splitting grin again. "I know that deep inside that-" she pointed to my heart, "-you made up your mind whether to see him or not."

        "What does that even tell me?"

        "Oh I bet you already know." She winked, grabbed her backpack and left.

        Gah. Freaking out right now wasn't an option. Out of curiosity, I placed my hand flat on my heart, feeling it thud so forcefully, and I couldn't even explain if it came from my nervousness or... You're not looking forward to anything at all, Isabella Marie! Internal battle made me so tired of having a mind, 'cause I couldn't keep up with my terrible thoughts.

        Feeling helpless, I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag from the desk. As I passed by the bridge, I remembered that I had yet to decide whether to meet him near that CR or just proceed to my first class. I would totally be lying if my heart wouldn't break if I chose not to see him at all. Oh gosh, I was turning into a sobbing mess inside.

        As I reached the school grounds, I searched for the same limo I saw yesterday but saw none. Maybe he was lying low. I was inconspicuously watching the parking lot with any type of ostentatious car. Gosh I was turning paranoid again, that I know. I glanced at my watch, and I was hell of an hour early for my first morning class. What to do now?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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