Chapter 1

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Close as Strangers

Chapter 1

Bella's POV

        "Angela! Can you please stop fussing for a second?" I grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to face me.

        Angela, my roommate for almost four years, was walking around the apartment like a whirlwind. I was starting to get dizzy and a headache. She's actually taking Bachelor of Arts, and also like me, was in her last year in college. I didn't know why people were getting excited today. Maybe I was too coop up with my books again?

        "God, Bella! If you'd just stop studying your ass off, you would know what today is," Angela answered, flailing her arms in the air.

        Today? What is so special today? I thought. It's only the start of the school year, our last year in school actually, and what was so special that I didn't know about? I wasn't the resident geek or nerd here, but I had this habit of drowning in books, school works, though today was only the first day of school.

        "Hello, Miss Princess! The Prince of England is coming today! In our school. In our classrooms!" Uh, what did she say again?

        "I didn't know about that!" My eyes grew wide, and my face hurt because of too much smile I was showing.

        "Because of that." Angela pointed to the stacks of books on my desk.

        "Yeah, whatever, Ange." I rolled my eyes.

        "I'm off to school now. Bye!" she said, in time closing the door, too.

        Great. She was also going early to watch this prince make his grand entrance. I wondered why I wasn't moving yet? The prince would be studying with us in NYU, and I was contemplating and my damn brain was getting slow. It could be my time to meet this prince of mine, and maybe he'd sweep me off my feet, like I always dreamed.

        I may be dreaming of becoming a princess, even at the age of twenty-two, but I wasn't really updated with the lives of royal families. Maybe a picture or two, little biographies and backgrounds, but not the overly type; it would make me look like a stalker. Besides, I have better things to do than stalk people.

        Maybe your eyes are green, too? I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth. I was probably delusional if I thought the prince - Prince of England - would even fall for me. Maybe he already got his marriage arranged to the daughters of other royal families. My shoulders sagged, a defeated sigh falling from my lips.

        I picked up my bag and a book lying on my bed, locking and checking the room before rushing out. The school building was a ten minute walk away, and it's still early, so I just walked going there everyday. As I was walking, I couldn't help wondering if given any chance I could sit beside him or even be in a same room as he.

        Huh. I bet he was so handsome that girls around the campus might swoon and drool over him. God, I hoped I wasn't one of them 'cause that would be too embarrassing. I could handle looking and fantasizing about kissing him, but not other ideas that would jeopardize my reputation, not that I thoroughly have one.

        I slipped my hand in one of my back pockets, catching a small paper bill inside. I hated messing my things, putting them everywhere. Call me paranoid, but whatever. I got the bill out of my pocket, but the timing of the wind wasn't in agreement with me. It just happened that I was about to fold it, when it flew past my fingers going to the bridge. Oh, crap.

        I quickly reached for it, but it was too fast, and it was trapped to one of the twigs of the tree. It wasn't out of reach from where I was, so I used the rail of the bridge as support in order to get it. I couldn't just leave it there. It's a money, and I badly needed to save one, even small amounts. Thankfully there were only few cars passing by, or they would think I was committing suicide.

        "STOP!" a voice yelled, making me slip my hold.

        "AAAAGGGHH!!!" I shouted, my feet tangled, making me land on the ground... WAIT!

        Is the ground soft, or my mind was mushy?

        "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked gently but firmly, holding me in place.

        I couldn't speak. He was too beautiful, like a god sent from above. And he was holding me, gosh! I must've been dreaming, because he's too good to be true. All coherent thoughts and words were out of the window. He was supporting half of my body, staring at me with those bright green eyes. So perfect.

        "Miss," he murmured.

        "I... I, um, I'm okay." I frantically got up from his hold, tapping my arms, as if I got dust from him.

        "What were you doing?" And his voice was like honey.

        "I was trying to catch my bill 'cause it flew away when the wind blew. It got stuck on the twig there, so I tried to get it back. I swear! I wasn't trying committing suicide. I'm perfectly fine, emotionally and physically..." I probably looked ten shades of purple because of my nonstop rambling.

        He was staring at me, those green eyes of him twinkled in amusement.

        Yeah, Bella, keep talking.

        "I should go. Thanks again," I said meekly, grabbing my bag from the ground.

        "Wait, what's your name?" he asked a little loud, since I was a few feet away.

        Justtell him! My mind screamed.

        "Bella!" I hollered.

        "Mine's Edward!" he said back.

        Funny, he has the same name as the prince. I thought, and the money stuck on the twig was completely forgotten.

A/N: So how do you find the official first chapter of Close as Strangers? Hate it? Like it? I would like to inform that this story will be updated every MONDAY and FRIDAY, unless some complications will happen. Anyway, go follow and check out the stories of @Mr_and_Mrs_Cullen , her stories are so amazing! I will see you soon, and I hope to read more reviews coming from my lovely readers! :D

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