Chapter 2

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Close as Strangers

Chapter 2

Bella's POV

        I started walking slowly, ducking my head lightly. Great. That stranger - Edward, in specific - probably thought I was some deranged lunatic trying to commit suicide on a public bridge in the early morning. When I was certain the limousin was far away from me, I walked a little bit fast, trying to calm down my nerves, or I would end up puking my guts in the street.

        Heck, Edward was riding a friggin limo, for God's sake, then there were two black cars tailing at the back. If I wasn't on my right mind, I would think he was some god or a prince sent from heavens above. I mean, that gorgeous as hell of a face, odd shades of tousled hair, sparkling green eyes, perfectly shaped nose, kissable lips, chiseled jaw with no hint of stubble at all! Gah, I felt like drowning on my own drool!

        Stop it, Bella! My mind was reacting violently with my not so good thoughts about a stranger. Sure, he gave his name, but that didn't mean we weren't complete strangers to each other. A single name could not exactly give you his/her whole life. Whatever, inner Bella was already way too deep while imagining his perfect face.

        I finally reached the school campus, thankful that I didn't trip once, or so help me, I would end up late on my first day of Senior college; and that's really a bad idea and impression. I saw Angela in the corridor, speaking to Jessica, who was animatedly talking about something that got Angela hooked. She came skipping to my direction when she saw me standing awkwardly in front of the crowd.

        "So the princess finally got her shit and went to school." Angela snorted after saying her line, and we ended up giggling. 'Cause she rarely cuss.

        "Should I go fangirling with them, too?" I asked, pointing to bunch of men and women speaking loudly in front of us.

        "Nah, they're just too excited to meet the prince." she replied, shrugging nonchalantly, although she was dying to meet him, too.

        "We don't even know his face!" I said in shock.

        "Yeah, 'cause, apparently, this prince was camera shy and home-schooled all his life. But he's so darn smart!"

        "How did you even know he was smart?"

        "God, Bella, if you'd even surf the internet aside from your course, you would probably know."

        It's my time to snort. Angela was true, though. I didn't have time to search other facts about Hollywood peeps and Royal families because of my constant studying. Bachelor of Laws isn't some easy lay, for heaven's sake, and I couldn't afford to fail. But of course I knew that this prince, who was going to study in NYU, was camera shy and home-schooled because of some TV news.

        "I gotta go, and please tell me if you saw the freaking prince!" she said before dancing away from me.

        How would I even know that he was a prince?! I got nothing to prove he's the prince! No candid pictures, a blurry image... so now what? Maybe I should talk to males, go crazy and ask if they're the prince who came to New York City. Ugh, my thoughts were going astray again, like some lost little puppies in the street. Maybe I should get a doctor to check why my mind went bat-shit crazy all of a sudden?

        So pathetic of an excuse, Bella! My inner voice shouted.

        I ran to the bathroom, hearing bunch of students talking and discussing about this prince, like he was a Greek god sent to Earth. I mean, he's only a prince, right? A prince you would die for just to meet him. Yeah, fine. My inner voice was so much better arguing with me now. I finished my business in the bathroom, only to hear the first bell signaling our five minutes before classes would start.

        I bumped into something hard, a toned back perhaps, making a cute 'oofff' sound. I looked up, realizing that the man had turned his head to me. Oh, God! When did I get so freaking lucky?! He's the man who saw me earlier! You know, the Edward.

        I blinked once, twice, thrice, until I didn't know how many. Focus, dammit!

        "Hi, Bella," he said.

        "Hey, Ed-Edward," I replied, and I prayed I didn't act like a love-sick teenager. "You go to school here? Are you new or...?"

        "You don't recognize me, I mean, aside from at the bridge?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

        I felt taken aback. "Uh, should I?" I just met him earlier, and he was asking me if I recognized him? I didn't understand at all.

        "No, of course not. I was just wondering, if maybe you'd seen me before." He shrugged, popping a minty candy to his mouth.

        How do I respond to that?

        "What are they doing?" he asked, pointing to the crowd down the hall.

        "They just went ape-shit because the Prince of England was coming. Didn't you know that?" I arched my eyebrows.

        "Of course I knew. Shouldn't you be fangirling like they do?" He tucked his hand on his front pocket, looking all hot and sexy as hell.

        "Huh. Don't get me wrong. I mean, a prince was coming, yeah, but he's just a human, for God's sake!" I flailed my arms in the air, blushing as soon as I saw his stare boring to mine.


        Should our conversation end already?

        "Why are you not there? Women were so crazy, hell, I was afraid men would turn gay." Did I honestly say that to him? God, please kill me.

        He chuckled humorously. "I'm afraid I would drool over this prince."

        I blinked again, flabbergasted by his response. "Don't... don't tell me your gay?!"

        I was so horrified to hear his answer. Please don't tell me the saying, "if men were so handsome, it's either they're taken or gay" true. I would die if he's gay.

        Edward burst out laughing, we were lucky we didn't attract attention. Well, we're pretty much secluded, and I suddenly wondered why. There's so many places to talk, and we chose to converse in front of the CR?

        "Of course I'm not. I'm just saying, this prince is really handsome, and as what you have said, I don't want to turn gay." He smirked.

        "Uh, yeah, okay..."

        "I'll see you around, Bella." Edward winked.

        "O-o-okay," I breathed out.

        "This prince is really handsome." The words were replaying, I thought my heart would burst. How did Edward even knew the prince is really that handsome?

        But there's only one thing I was so thankful.

        Thank God Edward is not gay. I leaned on the wall, catching my breath again.

A/N: Hello, my loves! Wow, I can't believe I got 10 reviews from the first chapter. Was it really that good? I hope this chapter was also in your great favor. As always, I would like to thank each and every one of you who have voted and commented; I definitely read them. :) And hey, don't forget to check out Mr_and_Mrs_Cullen here in wattpad for more Twilight Fanfics. Hoping to hear more from my wonderful and ever supportive readers. Until next Monday. ;)

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