Reasons for creating Pinochle Types

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Through a day of thinking really hard and simplifying everything I created the final version of PT. Firstly I wanted to understand people who are far away from me, to see if I could say something or not to them. For example, the S/O types or even the F/L types, sure that before it was more specific you could even know what type of O they were. After that I've realized it could be a tool for typing in another typologies since some parts of it were inspired by anothers (not saying which ones).
  Even if you think you're the cruelest person for not accepting help from others it's still part of you or if you feel like you are too soft hearted it's still part of you.
There's a huge gap between the S types that don't accept any help and don't involve with others and the ones that doesn't accept it because they "know" what's the best to them and you. Some O types can also don't accept your opinion if there's another better, yes it still can be from outside. S don't necessarily want to reject your thoughts sometimes it's just an impulsive behavior.
  Could it be that S types are more prone to anger and suspicious. If so they're likely to not go with the flow, most S seem skeptical. Being S doesn't mean they won't hear you and being O doesn't mean they're hearing you. It depends on the person and subject they're talking about, O types can deny what you purpose but S will definitely deny it even before you start talking. Some O think they don't have enough knowledgement and search for comfort in another sources rather than they own, if in extreme it can lead to low self-esteem or even obsessive behaviors, such as verifying if something is right, checking details, asking the opinion of others repetitively. In the other hand S could feel detached from others, like they're a beast or think they're cool from being untouchable. It depends of you lonely you feel, sometimes not understanding other people can lead to conflict. Not because some S said that they don't care about what you're talking doesn't mean they're not human.
  Also it's not demanding that they talk about their thoughts it can also appears in behavior, etc… So if you wanna type someone and is not sure if they're S or O pay attention to that.
The L/F types also differ from each other, some people can be LS/FO, LO/FS, FS/LO, FO/LS for example. It'll not be in their type but it would still be a part of them. It's easier to explain it in a big picture way rather than going into detail. L is logic S/O is how you accept it, F is feeling S/O is how you accept it.
L comes from seeing the pros and cons in a objective way, F comes from seeing what feels better or even impulsively deciding based on only wanting to do that. Everyone can have these moments but ask which one is more common.
S and O could be the most important thing on PT since even AW types that are focused on working for the real world could accept thoughts about an AC/IC if they're OAW.
e/a/i is one of the simplest parts of PT but it can have some misconceptions, it's about if how feel drained or not from being alone or with people. You can be quiet and still be e for example. i also can be with other people so it's not about how social you are but how much you could handle it. a will just have moments where need people and where they'll avoid them.

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