The extended (old) PT

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I'll take this from my notes.

The actual PT types are based on an extended version of itself, the reason for is that they would make too much types that weren't necessary because some are the same or even "useless". The PT have 5 letters but the extended PT have 9(13), some subjects of the PT have two letters. The number of letters in a type can also change due to mixing

The subjects are:









The letters:










They're divided in categories to make the type, also they don't have a fixed spot except the i/e/a (center). Some letters also can be mixed. I have them in my notes but I guess they're with a more updated names and letters.


Behavior Q/E/F/G/Bo/Su/N
Deciding L/F
Acceptance Sd/Pd/S/O/R/H/V
Production A/I/C/W/U
Sensitivity M/T
Center i/e/a

As said before they don't have fixed spots also some letters don't function well as they contradict each other. For example Sd(R)Su, yes you can be if you identify it deep down, but they still contradict since you decide for yourself in all cases, yes you'll still have Su even if you're R but mostly in distant rankings.


C+Bo=G (Guider)
Sd+O=V (Validating)
Pd+S=J (Judger)
C+I=U (Utopian)
Sd+Su=R (Rejecting)
Pd+O=H (Humanitarian)

Mixing is not necessary but makes it easier to describe the types, but they can only be used in the type itself when the functions have the same rank. To know your type choose 1 subject from each letter spaces. They're separated you should choose each of them. They're based on ranking so the first one is which you identifies more and the least the one you still identifies but isn't really high, expect the center that is always at the end. To have a clue some examples of type:s SuSdOLQACMe/ JQTUMLBoi

I think it's quite obvious why they aren't like this anymore.

I have an text on how they act but they were with different names so if there's something that doesn't correlate it's because of that

i/e/a are what the words mean
C/E/F it's if you're a calm/quiet person or energized. If you only act when in certain situations you're fluid (for example if you're with your friends/at a party)

Sd/Pd if you decide things alone or with ppl, it isn't totally, you can be Pd and decide your own milk-shake flavour

L/F if you make decisions based on feelings or logic, if you're Self it can be what you think (even if you're Pd) or what you feel, if you're O it can be what other people feel/think abt this?
A/I: This is a order placement, like you can be AI or IA, only A and only I. A does a thing they're in action and Ig imagines that thing. IA is the person who thinks before acting like think how they'll do something, AI is the person that stops doing smth to analyze it to see if it seems like how they've imagined it. A are often ppl who works without seeing what they're doing, if forced to use I it can make them do mistakes while on it bc it bothers theyr attention or they can be really hard workers that don't need to check if it fits because they just know how it looks. I people are often dreamers since they don't have action and if they're forced to do it can make them feel uncomfortable and make mistakes
C/W C is if you're more of someone who inovates and W is if you do the same things. Creator would be someone who invent something to society or make a change, Worker is someone who just do what they have to do without worrying if they have something new or not, Both can be A or I. The thing is how they behave/act

CA/CAI: often invents something while doing it they're like experimentalizers, CAI tend to be more dreamers than CA, CA don't get bothered by the fact they're doing something different/innovated
CI: They're dreamers/daydreamers of how they can make something new they won't act unless some outside forces them which is unhealthy
CIA: they are like someone who will creates a new technology, they think abt it and they go and test it/make  it
S/O:Self is if your final results depend of your decision and Others is if depends on others decisions. SPd/PdS are people who ask from advice from other people and analyze it, SdO/OSd are people who makes the decision and ask for others after
M/T: M is If what people say may hurt you even tho you don't know why, T is if you don't care
Bo/Su/N: Bo are people who usually take action, Su is the ones who are more of supporters, N are the ones that if they like it or needs it they'll take the lead or be a supporter, Bo if forceds to be Su can make them frustaded vice versa with Su, Bo don't get bothered

I don't have enough resources to tell which typology correlates with each subject, I think that CIA would be Ne users, of course others types can be CIA and Ne users could be another. Also Si users seem W and again it's not a rule.


Now let's try to find our types. I'll try to find mine and you find yours.

Ok so let's go step by step.

First the behavior:

I identify with F / N

Next the deciding:

I'm kinda confused with that but I'll pick none

Now the acceptance:

I'm Pd / S  or J

The production:

Maybe C / A

The sensitivity:

Definitely M



Maybe you're asking why there's some different things there and here? Well I forgot to mention them there as it's an old text.
So what about the opposites? I'll first tell the opposites after how they work.

Q / E
Bo / Su
L / F
Sd / Pd
S / O
A / I
C / W
M / T
e / i

**Some of them are not completely opposite.

Yes you can have two opposites in your type. But you'll have your stronger type.

Now that we've decided our letters let's stack them. From the strongest to weakest:


I've used the simplified for some since for me they're at next stacks.

So some rules for stacking i/e/a are always at the end. The most in the middle is the most it doesn't bother you, the firsts are your strongests, the last ones are weaker or "faded". That's it.

Ok so I identify with J more than the others, like I'm very sure or it.
Then the one that isn't strong is my A is low.
The N is somewhere at the end since it doesn't bother me too much
My M even if it bothers me it's very strong as a part of who I'm. Having it strong doesn't mean you can control it.
My C is second since it's very strong too
The F for me is weak too, the weakest

Ok so we have JCMNAF

So my type is JCMNAFa

Write your type in the comments!

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