The EPT types

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Now this will be an explanation of how each type works. It'll be used the letters as examples since explaining all of the complete types would demand too much time.

Starting with the Behavior categories, the subcategorie called Image. Not necessarily how you think but mostly how you behave to others, you can be self aware of you are in the outside it isn't necessary to ask for other people but it would give you more knowledge in your person.



The Quiet:

Quiet types are not necessarily introverted, since introvertion in PT/EPT is what gives you energy or drains you. Quiet types are usually calm in the outside and generally don't express their thoughts outward mainly the ones with Q in the first position. Quiet types even if they're asked about something they don't give a lot of information, this could lead to other people misinterpreting them.

The Energetic:

Highly talkative, they're fulled by stimulation. Usually seem extroverted to the outside but not necessarily in the inside. They often say their thoughts to the environment they're in as kind of an impulse, also bursts of energy can happen with this type.

The Fluid:

This type is complicated in a certain way, they can be highly energetic at some moments and really quiet at anothers, their behavior also depends on the situation and the person they're with. Some people could say that that's their true side but the truth is that they're sometimes not able to interact with the external world

A reminder to this is that people with highest positions on Q/E/F will identify more with these descriptions. Since this is an behavior type people with them in the low part of the stack are usually not self aware and aren't bothered by it if next to the middle.



The Boss:

People that highly identify with Bo are prone to be bossy, control others, be the center of the group. This can change if they're Pd/O they would listen more to others but still do their role. The difference of PdO Bo is that they're likely to be the one that guides others but is mostly guided, people often choose them as leaders if they're more social.

The supporter:

These people doesn't care about having to tell what other people should do, they even dislike it. Su people are often introverted, calm hearted or doesn't like the responsibility of decision it can change from person to person.

The Necessary:

Are neutral, more likely outbursts they can also have mood swings. They only will be the leader if they want to and will follow if they want to or like it. They can be a completely neutral or fluid type. Since they work with necessity. This type shouldn't be confused with SuBo and BoSu. SuBo this type can follow others or be the leader. Often when someone tells them to, they don't feel really anxious in deciding for others. They are likely to be chill. BoSu this one prefer to be the leader but can follow others.



The Logic:

Everyone have different paths of logic. So don't be absorbed in intelligence and results. Logic decides between pros and cons. You can be LF if you use feelings too.

The Feeling(Gut):

Originally called Feeling (F), normally affected by emotions (often are fear, guilty). Everyone feels, some don't want to share them or don't see them, G isn't about if you decide looking at your emotions. G is your gut telling you to do or not do something, mood can affect G decisions. You can also be GL.



The Testing:

Someone may try doing something before thinking or after thinking, reality can be made now, possibilities are made up from the person.

The Imagining:

The mind can be the best resource, they're not really worried about doing something but more with thinking about it, like the possibilities.



The Creator:

This can be highly visionary, they think about the future and how to improve it. It depends on the action factor if they physically do it or not.

The Worker:

Lives by society, that is, they just do what they're demanded to do. They have own thoughts but they're not worried about changing something. WI/IW can be slow to react people and overthink while AW/WA can be more quick.



The Self-decided:

Decide firstly in their own thinking, usually introverts or less social people are Sd since Pd needs interaction or visualizing the society.

The People-decided:

Think and act based on others beliefs or what they want, highly acceptance of others opinions in decision-result as in PdO(H) may result in a person without opinions. Someone PdS(J) may not compromise with someone they agreed with since they can lonely change their opinion.



The Self:

The self is more selfish, obviously. They consider their opinion as the final answer but not necessarily in a way you're wrong and I'm right, rather than a I value what you said and now I'm deciding how I understand it. You might think that O would be like that but the difference is that O doesn't make the final decision they just accept it.

The Others:

They're less selfish. Really they're likely to give their own comfort due to what other people want. Of course decision-result letters can be for any kind of thing that needs a choice, opinion. They often ask what's the truth?, what's your opinion?, how do you do this? They can make their own judgements but only when forced to do so, if they don't agree with someone they'll try to find a common ground in a way the other person gives them the final idea.




Not how much you cry but how much you feel that deep feeling of sensitivity when in conflict/criticized. You may be completely blunt but you somehow know that hurt you, you might deny but it affected you.


Not in the completely literal way but in a way that they seem like a rock, they don't feel nothing when threatened. Of course they can feel unmotivated when something goes wrong but sensitivity is not about how you deal with personal problems but more to others opinions.




This person doesn't like company very much, they can accept some people but it's very draining.


It's hard for them to be alone, they need interpersonal stimulation or else they'll suffer from boredom, they are willing to be attention seeking since they want to hear others.


Maybe you'll disagree with this term or maybe you'll identify with. This person is someone who have phases that are "consistent inconsistent". You might also think that it's about moments you feel like an extrovert and moments you feel like an introvert, yes it is but it's not like this month I want to see people and this month I hate people. It's about a situation where the person thinks they're too alone in a way they feel bad and go see people then at some point they started feeling drained maybe without being aware of why it's happening.

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