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"Okay, but hurry..." I called out.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I pressed my hands onto it and tried to satisfy the pain, but it made it worse. I couldn't help it but zoom into the toilet.

Silently, I walked into the bright and perfumed room. It doesnt look like a toliet in the first place. There were plants positioned at the side of the toliet by architects. And lights were bright and the whole place looked cozy.

I was greeted surprisingly with some whispers. It came from one cubicle. It went:

"... so she... POLICE!"

"... oh... um... Okay..."

"... I will..."

I didn't want to interfere into other people's privacy but I just could not stop listening. The conversation went on until there was a noise at the door. It was another of my colleague - Jamie.

Joan came out of the cubicle with a phone with her. Seeing me looking at her, she asked, "Oh hi Ms Francis. How long have you been here?"

I looked at her, confused. Why did she call me Ms Francis instead of Kily? Why does she asks such private stuff, or I should say unnecessary?

"Um... I just came in a few seconds ago. Any problem?" I replied my eyebrows raised.

"Oh, I just thought that you came in a few minutes ago. Haha." Joan replied with a forced smile on her face.

"Great..." she mumbled. "At least she did not hear what I spoke to Lance." I strained my ear towards her and asked, "Sorry, I didnt hear you?" Joan just shook her head and replied "nothing".

An Enemy. A FriendDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora