Y/N backstory

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Important note(especially for those who've read the book before):
For those of you who've read this book before I suggest actually rereading the back story instead of skipping it, because I've changed some parts of the plot line, the endings will also be rewritten but the story will have the same main and alternate endings. I've changed
the majority of Y/N's powers as well. Also I just realized that I never gave credit to the creators of the SCPs on the SCP wiki so I'll start doing that from now on, if I ever forget to credit the creators of the SCPs at the end of the chapters, please remind me, so that I can credit them. Also there were a lot of spelling errors in my previous chapters and I apoligize as English isn't my first language.

Y/N was contained by the foundation when they were 19 years old.

Or at least that's what the foundation thought...

And that's exactly what Y/N wants them to think.

The foundation had captured SCP XXX(Note: XXX is not Y/N's SCP number and that it XXX is whatever number you want Y/N to have.), after a member of an MTF squad reported seeing a mysterious figure standing over a dead body and a strange string of light emitting from the body and connect onto the palm of their hand.

The next part that I post will be about some stuff that you should probably keep in mind when it comes to my book, so that things make more sense.

The SCP foundation and the SCPs do not belong to me and if you want to read more about them separately go to the SCP foundation wiki.

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