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Slow down.

Sometimes I felt like everything is a race and I was left behind. Especially that I'm not in the same race where my former classmates belong. I felt like I was lost in the middle of the road - alone. I feel the urge to rush myself and chase them. I feel envious with them because they know where their paths leads to.

But I realized that there's no race at all. I am not left behind because I have my own track and so as they. So, whenever you feel insecure with your colleagues achieving so many things . . . don't think that it's too late for you to achieve your dreams just because they succeed first than you. Your time will come. You will succeed.

Just don't forget to slow down when the roads become rough for you. Took a deep breath and close your eyes for a while. Then remind yourself to enjoy your journey. Don't rush things and seize every moment.



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