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Honestly, I don't know if I could live my dreams. I didn't see the clear path to the destination I want to go. Everything is unclear for me, my plans get blurry as I prioritize my other responsibilities. I slowly accepting that I may not reach my dreams in life. However, it won't make my world stopped. Because life does not end just like that. If I haven't given a chance to achieve my dreams then I will live with my purpose. I do believe that we all have our purpose and we're born for it.

Who knows what are the things that meant to happen ahead of us? What if we are born to help people, to give a glimpse of hope to everyone? What if we're born to leave a mark in this world that people will remember?

I may not live in a cozy house and didn't own cars and have an empty pocket, but I touched the hearts of many people and make them realize to keep going no matter how hard the situations in front of them and make them see the goodness in this cruel world.

I guess, I already succeeded if that happens. And I can finally say that, "mission accomplished."



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