XXV. Stray Cats.

416 8 26

TW // Child abuse.
Susie dragged her feet against the concrete ground as she skidded to a halt at the end of the hallway. The boy with black curly hair stood just a few centimeters away, with Nikolai standing in front of him. She struggled to catch her breath, kicking up her foot to avoid stepping on top of her white shoe lace.

"Jeremy!! Why'd you run so fast?" Susie yelled out as Jeremy hunched over slightly. He held onto his stomach while his eyes squinted with laughter. The startled kitten had clung into his skin. Nikolai stepped to the side as Jeremy struggled to peel the cat off of himself. His mouth flung open in laughter as Susie watched him with her big blue eyes.

"Why do you run so slow?" He snickered back, his cheeks raising into a malicious smile. Jeremy flinched to the side while holding onto the small animal. The blonde man next to him raised his hand to swat at the tall boy's head.

"Stop talking like that, both of you, come on, let's get the paperwork ready." Nikolai spat out, looking quickly to the side as a familiar figure walked past them.

William stood in front of the empty dog cage beside Susie, not paying attention to the little girl in front of him. His height challenged that of Jeremy, who (rather quickly,) straightened his back to puff out his chest. He held the small creature within his grasps gently.

"Are these... your kids, Nikolai?" William murmured quietly. He locked vision  with Jeremy, who's eyes were obscured by his curly fringe. He held an even stare.

"I... your son is tall." His beady eyes stared down at the child in front of him. Susie stepped towards her brother and she reached for the cat from his grasp, but he held onto the kitten.

Nikolai scoffed, he gently nudged Jeremy to the side, swatting at his shoulder. The boy snapped out of the trance-like state and moved to the side while grabbing his sister's shoulder. William smiled at him.

"Yes! These are my... my children-" Nikolai chirped, attempting to end the awkward silence between the tall boy and man. William's brown eyes shot a quick glance down at Susie, who looked up at him.

"That's... great, I have to look for my own now-" William responded to the blond, rolling his shoulders back and standing tall enough to see the top of his head.

He quickly turned to the side. William counted the dog kennels as he walked down the aisle-

One, two, three- Empty- One, two, three, four, five- Empty, Empty, Empty, One, tw- No, Empty. The dogs barked at William as he hurried down.

Susie could feel his steps each time his foot made contact with the ground, looking down as he did. William had stepped heel first, toe second, and seemingly walked with intent to be somewhere.

The two older figures turned their heads to look at eachother. Jeremy curled his lip in disgust. Nikolai sighed, bracing himself slightly.

"You're not my dad." He snarled. Nikolai groaned and felt his shoulder ache as he brought his hand up to rub his chin.

"Yes, yes, and I've tried not to be, Jeremy, just for appearance sake, please." He sighed. Jeremy rolled his eyes and turned away. Susie watched as he walked down towards the corner. She quickly scurried after him, his long legs allowing twice the stride than if she had ran after him. The cat's claws clung into his jacket.

Jeremy paused around the corner. The main office was just down by the front entrance of the chain link fence that enclosed the entire facility. Susie caught up to him with Nikolai following behind her.

Once Susie had been within arms length of him, he began once again and stopped at the receptionist desk; Which was simply an office building with a glass window with an opening on top of a metal half wall. The man in front wore a simple blue button up and through the glass window, he handed Jeremy paperwork. Jeremy held onto the small animal and ignored the man reaching for something else.

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