XI. The Sun,

615 10 63

Small CW// Mentions of Blood and Animal Death.

Late Saturday night was an easy one as Henry sat down next to Charlotte. She was laying down in her twin size bed, the sheets covering her were an off colored white with small black stars dotted over them. Henry watched her as the dim light from the lamp shone onto the book that Charlotte held.

The still image of the mutilated squirrel lingered in his mind. The stench, the flies, William's dead gaze, it stained his brain like how cigarette smoke stains walls. His face was stern, eyebrows furrowed and nose slightly scrunched.

"Charlotte, tomorrow do you want to go swimming with Michael and the rest of them?" Henry spoke out, closing his eyes. Charlotte closed her book but kept her fingers between the pages so as to not lose her place. He looked over at his daughter.

"Yes!! Tomorrow? When? At what time?" She chirped. Henry felt the corner of his mouth raise into a smile as the tension in his face relaxed. His right hand reached out for her and Henry patted Charlotte's head gently.

"Sometime in the afternoon, or midday, whenever it gets hottest," Henry removed his hand but kept his gaze onto Charlotte. She nodded. Henry could see her small smile through the darkness that was lit slightly by a small lamp.

Henry stood up with a huff, his knees ached with arthritis. Charlotte stared at him as he walked to her vanity and tugged at the lamp's string, shutting it off and leaving her in the darkness. She could still make out his figure and his hair as he stepped to her door. A bit of light peeked through the opening but was covered mostly by Henry. Charlotte dropped her book by the side of her bed, it landed on her white wire bed frame.

"Also, Lottie, don't be alone with William," Henry ordered, lowering his pitch. Charlotte turned her head to look at him.

"What? Why?" She whined. Henry felt his stomach drop. The squirrel's mangled corpse laid frozen in his mind. He could see Charlotte's innocent gaze pierce him, waiting for a response.

"Just don't, he's very angry right now, not at you or me, but don't be alone with him, please," Henry's brows scrunched up as Charlotte jutted out her bottom lip.

"Is it because he found out I overheard him-?" His heart sank hearing Charlotte's voice crack with shame. Henry's eyes widened.

"Yes, just let him cool off, and you'll be fine, I promise." Henry nearly shouted but controlled his tone. Charlotte's face frowned. Henry sighed with relief and he closed the door behind him.

Charlotte stared up at her roof. It was painted white with small constellations in glow in the dark paint. She analyzed every single one of them.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, William's becoming some animal killer, the fuck do you do in this situation, God." Henry stood outside her room. His feet blocked out the light that shimmered through under Charlotte's door.

* * *

Charlotte wore a dark green one piece swimsuit as she sat down on the warm metal. Michael sat next to her, wearing his blue swim trunks. The two children sat squished on the step of the Afton's back door. Michael lapped at his ice cream that melted down his hand and was beginning to drip into his lap. The sun shone on them through the white patio overhang.

"It's crazy how hot it got just in like, a few days," Michael mumbled as he licked his hand. The sticky, melted ice cream stuck to his skin.

"It really is! But spring's about to end so what are we really expecting," Charlotte stared down at her black sandals that were covered in little glittery stars.

Elizabeth waddled around the water with her pink and blue one piece bathing suit as Evan floated aimlessly in the pool. She sharply inhaled before screaming out.

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