Brains over Beauty

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  I was currently having a nervous breakdown in the corner of the janitor's closet. I'm suppose to be reading the poem I wrote today for English class but the thing is I hate speaking in front of big groups. Absolutely hate it. Why did we have to share this in front of the whole class? Why couldn't Ms. Davis read the poem her damn self?

  The door opened and a surprised gasped as the janitor stared straight at me shocked. I got up quickly and grabbed my things and bolted out of the closet as fast as I can. Looking down at the gold watch my grandmother gave me before she went on an extended vacation I saw it was 1:20, and that means that class is almost halfway over. If I can only  manage to not get caught skipping class then I wouldn't have to read my poem.

  I walked quietly down the hallways towards the bathroom and ducked in. I walked over towards the sink and slashed cold water on my face then I stared at myself in the full length mirror. I didn't mind what I saw, but I didn't like it at the same time. I had wavy black hair that reached slightly past my chest, hazel eyes, full lips and a fairly small nose that I think suites me. My figure wasn't anything special. I had a medium size chest and a flat stomach.

  I knew I was pretty, but I never really cared for my looks. I don't mean to sound cocky or full of myself , actually I'm nearly the exact opposite, it's just that my motto is Brains Over Beauty. If a guy only likes my for my looks then he isn't the one for me. I want someone who's smart and doesn't care about how you look. My looks should just be a bonus.

  I rubbed my glass on my shirt since it started to fog up and put them back on. I didn't really need my glasses but I like wearing them anyways. The only thing downside is that I can't read anything too close to my eyes or else it hurts and gives me a headache. I walked back into the hallway to go get a book from my locker to read.

  "Miss. Taylin why aren't you in class" I froze in my tracks for a split second recognizing the voice and slowly turned around and faced Mrs.Webster, my principle. She and I were really close, but I knew she wasn't scared to give me detention - which I never got in my entire life.

  "I didn't want to go to English." I told her ashamed.

  "And why is that?" She questioned me.

  "Because we have to read out the poems we wrote in front of everyone and I just can't do it because I hate public speaking and I knew I'm going to make a fool out of myself" I admitted to her causing her to look at me full of sympathy.

  "Rosa, you still have to go to class and I assure you, you won't make a fool of yourself." Ms. Webster-reassured me.

  "Fine. Does this mean I have detention?" I asked.

  "Well given that this is the first time you did anything wrong, emphasis on the anything. I won't give you detention. Now let's get you to class." She told me and started to escort me back to class. Once we approach the door everyone's head turned towards me. "Excuse her from missing most of class but she was helping me with something." Ms. Webster lied to my English teacher, Ms. Dumont.

  "That's alright. Now Rosalynn since your the last one that needs to read their two poems, come on up." Ms. Dumont told me with a smile. My heart was pounding, but I still gave her a small nod as I got my poems and walked towards the front of the class. My palms were sweaty.

  "Um....I found a poem online but it has no title and the author is unknown." I started off. I looked up and noticed that only a few people were looking and paying attention to me while the others were talking to their friends or goofing around. I took off my glasses because it was easier to read without them and took a deep breath. Then I began.

"True beauty is in the way she laughs. 

True beauty is in her eyes. 

True beauty is how she acts. 

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