The Girl In The Mirror

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  "Oh my gosh, you better not be shitting me!"

  "Why would I joke about something like this?"

  "Why wouldn't you! This has to be a joke. Who could ever see anything in that ugly ass nerd."

  "I know that's what I'm saying! He has to be using her, but either way I don't like it. He's mine and that slut isn't going to steal him away from me. I'm going to destroy her."

  "Oh don't worry. I gotcha babes. She's in for a rude awakening. I gotta go now so we'll plan later. Buh Bye Anna ." Click.

  I put my phone down on the floor and laid back on my oversized bean bag. I started to think of ways my very loyal partner in crime and I could do to destroy that man stealer. I rolled off my bean bag and got up to my feet and went over to my mirror and examined my self. 

  I smiled confidently looking at myself , but the girl in the mirror smiling back told a different story. She looked down at my stomach and pinched her own. The girl in the mirror pinched at invisible fat blobs on her stomach. She looked at me digested and turned sideways, sucking her stomach in and out with me. A tear escaped the cage of her crystal blue eyes as she thought about the weight she no longer has.

  I turned away from the sad fat girl in the mirror and walked across the hallway into my bathroom. I shut the door and leaned back against it, eyes closed, heart racing, the tears still falling. I didn't think. I knew what I was doing. My hands moved routinely as they opened the cabinet, got my toothbrush and closed it back. My legs didn't hesitate to kneeled in front of the toilet and I immediately closed my eyes. My hand raised and the next thing I knew the cool familiar tip of my dedicated toothbrush was at the back of my throat.



   Oh my gosh. These amazing wonderful ideas came to me while I was taking a nap for my stories. I'm so happy to be writing again. Once I started I just knew what to write like when I first started. I'm sorry for the very loong wait. I just couldn't think of anything to write then I started getting discouraged and began feeling like my stories weren't good then I felt like I was losing interest in writing then I decided to take a break, but when I came back on I had a whole bunch of notifications and stuff from you guys actually wanting me to update and it motivated me and a whole bunch of ideas kept coming to me. I love you guys so so much. You guys helped me remember why I started writing and why I love it so much :* But I hope you like this little filler while I'm working on the next chapter. Comment and tell me what you think about it!

[Edited 11/03/2020] Small edit, mostly grammar and wording. I'll honestly probably expand on this chapter in the future, but I'm satisfied with it being a filler for now. I also wanted to check in and say that if any of you are dealing with any type of mental illness, that there are people that love you and will listen. I'm one of them my inbox is always open. You are important and you matter. Stay safe y'all!



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