The Man at the Market

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A/N: Thoughts in bold italics. Enjoy!


I'm gonna kill him.

I'm gonna fucking MURDER him.

I should've did it back when I first met him; when I had the chance, but I didn't know my own power then.

I do now, though.

And he is gonna BURN.



Earlier that day. . . 

Things were going great; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, Sasuke and I were heading back home after school to get some training in with Itachi before heading to Dr. Tsume for my survival training. Naruto tagged along as well, so it was a little noisy as they fought about some nonsense that happened in their mock fight at school.

It's been a good two months of going to school with Sasuke; School is fun. Never imagined I'd say that but when you know most of what they're going over with the 5 to 6 year-old children, it's a cake walk. Turns out I am proficient in reading and speaking Japanese as well as another language my head identifies as 'English.' I usually sleep during the parts of class that focus on language, curled up next to Sasuke. Sometimes I sleep by Naruto too, though Sasuke usually calls me back to him once he realizes I've gone to sit with Naruto.

Jealous much? I've adopted him too, deal with it.

The children in the class are fascinated by me, as expected. I keep close to Sasuke most days to avoid petting when I don't wanna be bothered. I've even taken up Sasuke's 'don't bother me, you're a nuisance' attitude because of some of the children. I didn't mean to, but when a girl just wants to sleep, let her sleep! I do give the kids a chance to play with me at lunch/recess, though. Even the older kids come to visit me sometimes to play fetch, hide and seek, even tag.

I even found Tenten, the girl with the buns in her hair, coming to find me around her break time too. I was mildly surprised that most kids that I interacted with at the light show were also in Sasuke's class. The cute chubby boy's name is Choji, the pineapple boy is Shikamaru, Pink Hair is Sakura, and the blonde girl is Ino. There's also of course, Akamaru and Kiba, as well as Shino, the quiet boy with dark shades. Purple girl, whose name I found out during roll call is Hinata Hyuga, is in the class too. She's always peeking at me whenever I play with Naruto.

Or maybe she's peeking at Naruto? Interesting.

 I find myself peeking at her too at times, since she's the only one with guards from her clan that guard her at recess and lunch to eat. I really want to play with her, make her a part of the little pack I got going on with Sasuke and Naruto. She's always by herself, which is what I imagine Sasuke was like before I got here. She's pretty shy around other kids, too. It'd be nice having a girl around. Her guards are really intimidating, though. They do their job pretty well, I guess. I'm waiting for a chance to go near her when they're not around. Or when they don't scare me anymore.

Anyway, after Naruto leaves in a huff, no doubt losing to whatever his conversation with Sasuke entailed, we continued our way home when we spot a big cart draped in heavy, thick-looking cloths being pulled by a man covered in the same rags as the ones on the cart. It completely covers his body, with his face barely peeking through. The cart smelled like the woods to me. I assumed whoever was pulling it was a traveling merchant. A lot of them smell like that after the long trek to the village. There was something about his scent that was vaguely familiar, though.

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