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Abby and i finally arrived at the party after the uber ride. we walk in and she tells me to not look at anyone just keep walking so i do exactly that. i end up following her into a kitchen where people are. she introduces me to everyone and i say hi. this is just kinda awkward because i don't know anyone. i go stand against a wall and just start going on my phone.

"hey you look lonely." an ok looking guy comes up to me.

"just bored." i remark looking back at my phone

"i haven't seen you here before." he keeps going

"yeah..." i'm really not in the mood to be talking to this guy.

"do you have a boyfriend." he asks.

"yes." i say bluntly not making eye contact

"i don't see him maybe you're lying." he says

"well i'm not that much of a fucking loser so can you leave me alone." i snap like jesus christ can this dude not get a hint.

"come on come sit with me." he begs as he grabs my arm.

"ew don't touch me." i flinch away.

"i won't bite." he says as he stares me down.

"get away from me you fucking creep." i say sternly.

"i like girls who play hard to get." he elaborates. this guys is really starting to freak me out. i need to get away from him but i don't know how to get to Abby like i don't know where she is.

"can you get a fucking hint dude, i don't want to do anything with you!" i yell.

"whatever bitch you're ugly anyway." i snorts

"sure way to take rejection!" i yell out.

"shut up whore!" he yells as he walks away. there's so many people here i can barely see, but i do make my way to the back door and step outside. i text abby and tell her i don't feel well and ask if we can leave. i wait for about 15 minutes and no response. k great. it's about 1 am right now. i'm gonna go find abby, i'll just call an uber. it'll be here in 15 minutes. i wait until it's here and get in.

"hi" i say trying not to make it awkward as i get in.

"hi sweetie" a lady says. she middle age and seems nice. "how are you."

"eh could be better." i respond.

"seems like a fun party, have a curfew?" she asks nicely

"nah i just wanted to leave people are weird." i respond

"tell me about it." she jokes. we make more conversation during the half hour ride. we pull into christian and kimberly's "thats 70 dollar doll" she says. "fuck" i curse under my breath when i realize i only have 30 on me but i do have my dads credit card from when i borrowed it for shopping the other day. ubers get super expensive after midnight. i sigh when i realize he's gonna see it was charged towards an uber.

"do you take card?" i question

"yes i do" she responds. i hand her the card and she uses it. "thanks sweets!" she chirps as i get out. i don't go in at the fear of waking someone in the house so since i have my keys and wallet on me i decide to just get in the car and drive home.

before i get into the city i stop at chick fil a and grab some food. i finally get home and head inside. it's dark as i open the door i turn on the kitchen light and put my keys and wallet down and take off my shoes. i turn off the lights again as i grab my food and phone and start to walk to the stairs. as i reach the stairs i see light coming from my parents bedroom. i quickly walk to the laundry room and grab a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt and throw it on. i again grab my food and food and walk over to their bedroom.

i slowly open the door and see they're both laying in bed watching a show. they both look at me.

"why are you home?" my mom asks

"i don't know" i mumble

"em what happened?" my dad insists

"nothing." i look down

"emery." my mom presses

"abby took me to a party and she left me and this guy pretty much assaulted me and then i had to take a fucking uber back by myself and then drove here!" i exclaim

"what do you mean you were assaulted!" my dad yells as he stands up.

"it was just like that time in the city a little while ago." i state

"emery are you ok?" my mom stands and comes gives me a hug.

"i'm fine just i'm pissed that abby left alone or this would never happen." i exclaim

"she shouldn't have but you're ok." my mom says

"i'm calling vance to get his daughter in check." my dad says as he walks to go grab his phone.

"no don't she'll get in trouble!" i say

"why cause she left at the party?" he asks concerned

"no we um snuck out." i admit softly

"emery." my mom sighs "you know you can't do that."

"tess you can't be this soft about that's why she keeps doing ur because you don't get mad at her."  "emery you can't fucking do that. especially at someone else's house. it's bad enough when you do it here and now you go and do it somewhere else. No!" shit he's gonna take my phone. i got a plan.

i begin working up some tears and start sniffling.

"i'm sorry it was her idea i just didn't know it would go so terribly." i pout

"aw emery it's ok" my mom hugs me again with her big baby bump

"emery..." my dad presses

"hardin stop ." my mom says sternly. at least she buys it. she goes back to lay down in bed.

"emery what'd you get?" she asks eying my bag of food. pregnancy cravings.

i go sit on the bed and pull out a chicken sandwich, nuggets, fries, and mac n cheese. thank god i got extra. my mom grabs the mac n cheese and a the fork and starts eating. i sit on the bed and begin eating. it's a king bed so we all fit super comfortably. we sit there for a bit, eat, and watch some show. eventually i get up and go to bed in my room.

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