If One if Running Away, One Must Do it Properly

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The next morning I awoke as usual, scampered down my tree, and headed to my flower field. I'll have to admit, is far less fitting for tramping down dirt paths and roaming through fields. However, Mycroft said we'd be getting a visitor today. I decided to put together a bouquet for our visitor. Apparently she was a dear friend of his who owned a finishing school. Enola was completely against going and I supposed I felt the same way in some regards. What was there to be finished? I very much like the way that I am. Nevertheless, I felt it rude not to present a gift to our guest.

"My goodness, March! What on earth are you doing?" Mycroft spluttered having walked into the kitchen to find me on the countertop trying to find a good vase.

"I thought our guest might like some flowers," I explained simply, "The best vases, Mother and Enola keep on the second shelf. And if you hadn't noticed, I am not particularly tall."

He sighed shaking his head, "Fine then."

With a huff, he left the room. I finished up with the flowers and brought them to the sitting room. An odd sort of mechanical sound came from outside. I stood and dusted off my skirt before hurrying to see who was there. I poked my head out to see Mycroft creating a pleasant older looking woman. She smiled at him as he helped her down and I couldn't help but wonder what made her so wretched that Enola did not want to go.

I backed away from the door as they entered. Mycroft looked mildly irritated as per usual upon seeing me standing there. The woman raised an eyebrow looking me over.

"Hello," I greeted with a smile.

"Hello, dear girl," she smiled back and nodded in approval. Her brow twitched slightly, "Is that grass in your hair?"

"No ma'am, it's-"

"This is the younger of my two wards, March," Mycroft cut in gesturing to me stiffly.

I shut my mouth, barely keeping a glare off my face. How dare he interrupt me! And wards? Have we so disgusted him that we've been removed from direct familial association? Right then, Enola entered the room. She froze upon seeing the woman.

"Ah yes, and the elder of the two: Enola," Mycroft nodded to her, "Girls, this is Mrs. Harrison."

"Uh hello," Enola forced a smile.

"I see I have my work cut out for me," she chuckled then pointed to me, "You first."

I looked to Mycroft in surprise and confusion. He glared at me and nodded in the direction of the living room. I glanced to Enola unsurely and she offered me a brief, calm smile. Taking the little bit of reassurance, I led Mrs. Harrison to the living room and then into the room beside it that had a door.

"Dress off," she ordered immediately.

I did as told.

"Hmm...no corset, hip regulators, or bust enhancers," She observed walking around me in a slow circle.

I winced when she pinched my side.

"Could lose a few inches here," she remarked, "Measurements please!"

Mrs. Lane, who'd been called in to assist her, gave me an apologetic look. I offered her a small smile in return. She quickly took my measurements writing them down and then reading them off to Mrs. Harrison. The woman nodded slowly, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Well, you certainly have the makings of a beautiful young woman," she stated.

"Thank you, ma'am," I smiled.

"But you hips are rather wide for your petite frame. You could lose a bit of weight. Hopefully you will grow more as your current height is ridiculously child-like. Your posture is pathetic. Your hands are pretty but the coarse fingertips and callouses are an eye sore. And that smile of yours is devious at best and vile at worst," she continued rather bluntly, "Not to mention the rat's nest of your hair and that ridiculous accent of yours. It's infuriating to put it simply."

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