Sorry Mother But the Viscount is in Danger

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The next morning Enola and I went around to several newspapers and gave them the cipher. I got quite a few funny looks whenever I handed them the sheet of paper with Enola's message.

"You seem a bit young to be seeking a newspaper publication," one man remarked looking me over.

"Why, thank you sir," I replied with a sweet smile, "Mother used to tell me I would enjoy this trait of hers one day. You wouldn't believe the looks I get when alone."

"Well, watch yourself, Miss. You're a very petite woman and this is a very large city," he chuckled.

"Oh, to get lost in a city such as this. I shall remember your warning. Thank you," I flashed another smile and left.

Enola met back up with me and told me that the first place we would go to was a tearoom. Apparently the owner had frequent correspondence with Mother. Therefore, she would be our first clue.

A tiny bell above the door chimed as we entered. I smiled instantly as I looked around the quaint shop. It was adorably feminine to say the least. Two women were discussing a book near the door and when I took a closer peak at its title, I was surprised to see a it was a book on feminism.

"How charmingly deceptive is that," I breathed to myself grinning even more.

I then had to speed walk to catch up to Enola who moved through the tearoom with purpose as per usual. Just as we entered the second room, a thud sounded. Enola and I exchanged confused glances as the chandelier shook and another thud sounded.

"What's up there?" Enola asked the waitress.

"Noisy bloody women," she chuckled.

A smirk formed on Enola's face and she headed to the stairs. We went up them and found a door that opened to a room. There were white mats on the floor and several women dressed in black pants and white tunics with a black sash were wrestling. This was definitely the type of place where Mother would go.

"More and more," I murmured giggling.

"No, harder. Don't be afraid of her," a woman's voice rang out.

We looked to see a dark skinned woman standing at one end of the room watching the other women and giving corrections. She spotted us and began to come over.

"Good afternoon," she greeted, "You wanting to be recruited?"

"No, uh we're looking for Eudoria Vernet Holmes," Enola answered.

A shocked expression formed on the woman's face.

"Enola? March?" she breathed frowning.

The two of us exchanged a look of surprise. How did she know our names?

"Enola and March Holmes. It is you, isn't it?" she continued looking us over, "Why're you dressed like a powder puff? And you like an eggplant?"

"It was the only one that would fit," I sighed rolling my eyes.

She nodded slowly and looked to Enola.

"Oh look the spit of her," she said.

"You recognize me?" Enola asked with a small smile.

"Course I do," she nodded, "I was your first teacher. Don't you remember?"

She moved forward faster than either of us expected grabbing Enola and forcing her into a beginner level wrestling pose. I gasped as Enola flipped her over easily and she hit the ground with a grunt and a thud. The woman then laughed nodding.

"You've progressed nicely, I see!"

She then led us into her study space. Enola explained that her name was Edith and Edith explained that she taught both our mother and Enola to fight. I couldn't help feeling a bit left out. Mother had only had me spar with Enola which was a challenge for sure. But I had not the same level of formal training.

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