Unfinished Business with the Finishing School

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We had a dual plan this time. Enola took the lead as usual acting as a recently widowed woman in order to escape anyone questioning her. She would then announce herself to the Tewkesbury family as a detective interested in their case. I, on the other hand, was plan B—a lost girl who studies important geographical locations in London. It was a bit of a stupid cover but hopefully it wouldn't be needed.

"Do you remember the signal?" Enola asked as we exited our apartment.

"Yes, Enola, for the fifth time yes," I laughed shaking my head, "Now go or it'll be nightfall by the time we have another clue."

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" she then asked.

"Enola," I huffed putting my hands on my hips.

"Sorry, sorry," she laughed shaking her head, "Alright, I'll see you there."

I shook my head with a smile as she went to get a carriage. I let out a small breath running my fingers over the journal we'd bought to go with my disguise. I then got a carriage for myself and told the driver where I wished to go. I arrived at the gorgeous Basilwether Hall only a short while later. To my surprise, Enola was standing outside with a tall gentleman both looking as though they were ignoring the other. The man moved to take the carriage I had just exited as I pretended not to know Enola. Her eyes caught mine briefly and she winked. Oh goodness, looks like her ruse didn't work.

I made my way to the front door and knocked. There was a brief moment in which nothing occurred. Then the door swung open to reveal a butler.

"Please tell me you are not with one of those fools," he huffed.

"Pardon?" I asked with an innocently blank expression.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," he corrected himself, "And who might you be Miss?"

"My name is Noelle. I am assisting my father in a plant study based in historic sights around England. He has Basilwether Hall on the list but I fear I may have gotten turned around a bit. Do you happen to know where that is?" I asked.

"You're there," a woman's voice answered.

The butler stepped aside to reveal an elderly woman. She smiled kindly at me.

"Oh goodness," I faked a gasp and smiled, "Well then I guess I wasn't as lost as I thought. A pleasure to meet you."

"You as well," she chuckled with a nod, "I am the Dowager, the ancestral landowner of the grounds. Would you like a tour?"

"Oh yes please ma'am, thank you!" I smiled.

She began with the front gardens which I had passed on my way in. As we walked she told me the history of the land which her family "protected." A few times I paused to sketch the flowers we were passing. After a while, she took notice of my pauses.

"A flower lover, are you?" she asked with a gentle grin.

"Yes ma'am, very much so," I nodded smiling back at her.

"Oh, you would get along well with my grandson," she remarked.

"I would?"

"Yes, most definitely."

"Could I meet him?" I asked with a wide-eyed look.

Her face fell. "Unfortunately, he is currently missing. I can show you, however, a favorite place of his. We found it soon after he'd vanished."

She led me around the house to a forested area. We went deep in. My eyes landed on a large broken tree limb as she came to a stop.

"Just up there," she explained pointing.

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