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As soon as I click on the button, agreeing to the terms and conditions, a million questions pop up on my screen asking about my choices and preferences.

" Who would be your ideal guy?"

"What is the colour you prefer to wear out the most?"

"What would be your ideal date?"

Even after I have answered 25 of those questions, they keep going on and on.

After a while

Finally, after I have answered all of them, I get in my pyjamas which were pre-owned by my mother. They're white with colourful flowers on them. As I am about to go to sleep, I catch a glimpse of my book in my work bag. As I keep staring at its cover, I suddenly remember the fact that I used to write in it when younger. Whenever my parents would beat me up, I would run up to my room and write down all my feelings in this book. Aside from that, I also used to mention every single moment of my day in this book. I would always have it with me even when I went to the washroom.

I grab the book and start reading through the pages. There is so much going on on every page. There are doodles, poetry, and even diary writings(well that's the main use of it, isn't it?) The poetry is just so deep. Reading one of the poems, I hate that 6 years old me wrote this addressing her mother when her mother was the cause of all this. It is just so heartbreaking to know I went through all of this.


I can't keep up anymore, Ma

They broke my wings

They put shackles on my feet

They whack me if I speak

I can't keep up anymore, Ma

They haunt me

Like those creatures in movies

They hurt me, make me cry

I can't keep up anymore, Ma


Tears start flowing down from my eyes. I feel so heartbroken. It hurts me so much inside, that the younger me went through all this. It just shatters my soul. I want to read more but I notice that it's midnight already, so I get to bed.


*ring, ring, ring*

*ring, ring, ring*

I wake up like an earthquake just struck. My hair is all messy. My face is swollen and I have dark circles under my eyes.

Wow. So much for sleeping late once. I look at my phone for the time being. It's 7 am.

Uh! Who put an alarm on my phone for 8 am? I am going back to my sleep when I hear the sound coming from my laptop. I open it up to see a notification from that website.

Hello Viola Waters

We speak from the website "Just a Day." Based on your choices we have picked a date for you. We would like you to pick a suitable day for the same. Kindly go to the website and fill out the questions or the date, time and address.


Just a day

What is this website? A reply within freaking 3-4 hours. Damn, I'm impressed. If only I had the energy to make a joke on this but I don't have the energy to do so, this human needs more than 7 hours of sleep to have the energy to joke around. So I grab my pillow and immediately go to sleep.


"Hey asshole, wake up. Mum's calling you. Douchebag." says Zoey aka mean twin 2, kicking on my leg.

"Coming in a second." She leaves kicking me once again on my leg. How do I handle such a zoo? Before going downstairs I quickly open my laptop and answer all those questions about the date and venue. So now my date is the day after tomorrow, Sunday from 3 pm to 3pm the next day. 

"Which day do you wish to go on your date, this week?


What time do you wish to go on the date?

3 pm

Describe your ideal date.

My ideal date would be in a castle with a real prince. We would start the date by horseriding to the lake and having a picnic there. We would then go for a swim in the lake. After returning to the castle, we will go to our rooms where we will find a gown and a suit which we would wear while dancing together. After the dance, we will have dinner in the courtyard with violins playing in the background. He would make me breakfast when I wake up and then we will go play golf.

Now that I'm all done, I go to my mother. I bet she is gonna ask me to make breakfast, and clean the dishes and floor. I go down the stairs and see everyone watching the television as usual.
"Now listen you ungrateful twit, clean the dishes and the kitchen floor and if I see a single spot just know I'm gonna kick you out of here." mother says, pushing me. 

Kick me out? Bitch living on the road would be better than living in this slump.

' Yes mother'
I go to the sink and start scrubbing the dishes. There is not a lot just a few yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast.
I'm done within 15 mins and then I start scrubbing the floor too.
After some time I finish the work, so I make my breakfast and go to my room. Arthur has given me an off today so I can just do anything I wish.
I see that diary lying around when I enter the room. I remember reading the poem in it yesterday and it left me miserable. I pick it up again and start reading a diary entry to Joey. Since I never really liked the idea of writing a diary, I would write diary entries to Joey Triabbiani from the TV show FRIENDS.' Back then I would watch the show every day and Joey was my favourite character so when I started writing a diary, I thought to address it to Joey even though I never sent any entry to him.
Dear Joey
I watched the show today that they streamed on TV and it was great. I think the name of the episode was 'The one with all the poker ' and I laughed so bad when you made that joke about the hooker and fat guy. So typical of you. Well anyway, today was a lot better than the past week since you know mom and dad have been beating me up every single day. And yesterday mom threw a glass bottle on the ground which landed right next to me and shattered into several pieces. Thankfully I did not get hurt a lot, I just bled a little. Besides I am pretty sure that throwing the bottle was just a mistake. But the only thing I did not like was that mom and dad did not even care if I got hurt or not. They started shouting at me to clean up everything and cursed me, blaming me that I am the reason that the bottle broke. It made me feel so miserable. The rest of the day went just fine. I was at school the whole day and once again no one ate lunch with me and made fun of my hairstyle. How is it my fault that mom does not tie my hair? Mike said that my parents picked me up from the trash and have given me the job of a maid. I ignored him even though he kept saying a lot more, he does such things as being the class bully. I reach home late as I had to pick up some stuff. When I reach, I see that mom and dad are not at home and all my siblings are eating food. I remove my shoes and start to head upstairs, Oliver stops me and starts pushing me. He asks me where I am going and I tell him that I am heading to my room. He doesn't let me and starts throwing peas at me. He asks others to do the same but I rush upstairs quickly while all of them keep shouting, and cursing me.

hey guys!!! So that's all for this chapter. I know it's a bit different from my usual chapters but I feel like I needed to give you guys a little glimpse of her past and show how abusive her family was. Comment below on how you think Viola will react and how her date will be. Will it just be like her ideal date, better than it or worse?
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