Spider-Child is Confused

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A/N: Hi


George walked next to Dream all the way back to the house. He hadn't taken the realization of being stuck in this world better than anyone else in their group of misfits. And to top it all off, the Avengers were after them! Could this day get any worse?!

He leaned towards Dream, wanting some kind of reassurance that things would be ok. When George touched Dream, he realized. It was subtle, and only a few people could pick up on it, but Dream had flinched at George's touch. He looked up to Dream, who was still wearing the mask, due to the spider kid being with them. From what he could tell, Dream was far in his own world of thought about things. He got like that sometimes.

George put his hand around Dream's and squeezed. Dream snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at George, squeezing back. For a minute, everything seemed wonderful. And then Sapnap happened.

"Whatcha guys doin?" He exclaimed, loud, in George's ear. He jolted away, the moment being ruined. All Dream did was wheeze, that fucker.

"Fucking hell, Sap, what the hell was that for?!" George yelled out.

"You two weren't leaving room for Jesus! I had to step in for my man J-Dog!" He grinned back. George rolled his eyes. "Besides, we're almost back, and I was wondering what Dreamie-poo was planning to invite..." Sapnap lowered his voice and looked up at Dream. "The enemy right to our current home base."

Dream frowned. "Inviting him in is the safest thing to do right now. It gives us a chance to get him in our own territory and in an enclosed area, at that. Techno will be able to get a better read of him and his intentions."

Sapnap snorted. "Techno, and you, you mean."

Dream grinned, though it was hard to see. "Yeah."


Technoblade has never once been confused by a person's character. He was always able to read someone, whether through facial expressions, body language, or staring into the person's eyes. This kid was almost no different.

Key word almost.

This spider child was more difficult to read than most people Techno came across. The mask didn't help his reading, but when it was off he saw conflict in the boy's eyes. It was a strange mixture of recognition, fear, hope, and... sympathy. It wasn't something you'd see everyday. This kid had been fighting Dream and Tommy with the enemy, but now he could see something similar to pity and the want to help in his eyes. Who was he, and how did he know who they were? Techno could see the recognition on the boy's face and he didn't like it. It wasn't just recognition of Dream or any of the others that had robbed Stark (including himself), it was recognition of all of them. Freaky. Although Techno didn't know how everything was working, he was determined to find out.

Dream was smart to get the boy in their own territory. As much as he didn't want to admit it, his old rival was also pretty damn good at reading people, and he had a good idea about the spider kid being in their home, where he didn't know his way around or where exits were. Being in the Mean Girls squad with Dream didn't exactly mean that they weren't rivals anymore. They were, however, closer than ever before and almost always came to each other about voices in the head, or their past, or the occasional bloodlust. Nobody understood them better than each other.

Techno continued walking in the back of the group, next to Philza and Sam who were talking. He was blocking them out, however, and keeping an eye on spider-kid and the others. He could see Dream, George, and Sapnap fooling around while leading everyone home out of the corner of his eye. Boy-spider was walking with Bench Trio and Drista, and they seemed to get along pretty well. Tommy was being loud as always, Tubbo was smiling, Ranboo was being quiet, and Drista was jumping around. Techno had noticed that Drista tried to stop Dream from hurting the kid, probably due to her love for the MCU back home.

Drista. She was interesting. For the younger sister of Dream, she sure was different. She often thought before she acted, which wasn't like the rest of the Dream family. Dream was smart, and he knew his shit, but when it came down to the moment, he often used his reflexes and trusted his gut to give him the win. Tommy was pretty obvious in his fight first, ask questions later; it had caused a lot of problems on the SMP. Once the SMP got better, it had been even more obvious that Tommy took after his brother when it came down to relying on his instincts. But Drista was different; every time Techno saw her, he could tell she was always thinking about what she was saying and what she would do if something happened. She trusted her head and thinking moreso than her gut.

That being said, Drista still had some of Dream and Tommy's traits. The sarcasm, the logical thinking, etc. But in a life or death situation, Techno was sure that Dream or Tommy would be more likely to survive than her. She could fight but she relied too much on her head. Dream could just jump back in if something went wrong, it's the reason he survived the manhunts. Tommy, however bad at pvp he could be, was surprisingly good at adapting to new situations.

A cough brought Techno out of his thoughts. Philza and Sam were looking at him, waiting for something.

"You alright, mate?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. Just... thinking." Techno answered.

"How're the voices?"

"They haven't been as loud. In fact, it's unsettling how quiet they've been." Techno responded. Phil nodded and everyone continued walking.

A little bit later and a lot of loudness from the teens, Techno and friends reached home, or at least, if you could call a big random cabin in the woods "home." The Spider kid continued to look wary of his surroundings, which Techno understood.

"So. We're here because an avenger has found us and recognized us. How?" Sam recapped.

"Well, Mister Sam Sir, you guys are like... super famous in this world." Web boy spoke up. Everyone's eyes darted to him in surprise. "What? You guys didn't know?" Sapnap shook his head.

"How are we famous exactly?" He asked. The strange prepubescent child's eyes widened.

"Uh... Well... It's a long story." He stammered.

"We have time." Techno said.

The kid took in a breath before saying, "Alright then."


A/N: Stay safe


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